All Easter

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  His Gentle Touch

Adult Easter by David Dunlap

39 pages

4 m, 4 w.

Malchus, a high priest's servant, has his ear severed by Peter during the arrest of Jesus, but after Jesus heals him, Malchus' hatred and rejection of Jesus disappear. Later, when he hears the news of Jesus' resurrection, he accepts Him as the Messiah as does his wife, Elizabeth, and daughter, Tabitha, even though in doing so she must give up her boyfriend, Gideon, the son of a high priest. Neither Malchus' mother-in-law nor his cousin, however, can believe that a convicted criminal is truly the Son of God. A strong story of Christian conversion. Performance ...

  Crazy Man From Nazareth

Adult Easter by Scott Crites

12 pages

7 speaking parts.

Here is a contemporary one-act play every modern day Christian can relate to. "Crucifixion XXVI," the year's biggest sporting event, is about to be telecast live, and Jerusalem Broadcasting Company has the exclusive coverage of the gala affair. Four reporters, Eric Greedmore, Jim Cansin, Faith Lesse, and Alacka Trust, give us on-the-spot coverage, from visiting Jesus' childhood home to talking with spectators on the street. The reporters and other non-Christians make a mockery of the whole ordeal - until they witness Jesus' suffering and sacrifice. This play ...

  Father, Forgive

Drama by Hilary Mackelden

78 pages

5 m, 2 w and extras.

Thirty-three years ago, a group of six soldiers, under orders from Herod the Great, entered Bethlehem. When they left, seventeen small boys were dead. One of the fathers, Simeon, tried for revenge, killed three of the soldiers, and has languished, forgotten, in prison since. Now, the last living soldier, Jeremiah, is a powerful judge in Jerusalem. His enemies want rid of him, and when they learn of Simeon, it seems the perfect solution to their problem. They release Simeon and send him after Jeremiah. Meanwhile, Jeremiah's teenage son, Reuben, wants to follow...

  Today You Will Be With Me in Paradise

Drama by Terri Dill

41 pages

With doubling: 19 m, 8 w, 3 teen boys, 2 teen girls. Extras.

Joshua is a young man struggling with his father’s abandonment. When he begins to run with the wrong crowd and tries to rob a liquor store, he is caught and charged. Blaming God, unable to accept his mother’s love or Pastor Brian’s guidance, he sits in his jail cell. How will he find forgiveness? As Joshua struggles, we see Jesus work to accept his upcoming crucifixion. Beginning with his baptism to his resurrection, Jesus is seen and heard by his followers. His disciples attempt to understand how to help Jesus as He approaches death. Intermixing the resurrec...

  Journey to the Big Sky

Comedy by Jack Weyland

12 pages

1 m, 1 w, 1 flexible

Al McCarty is an elderly construction worker on his first trip with his wife Lisa since his retirement. They’re camping in Montana, and though it’s been his dream to fish there, Al is bored. He misses his coworkers and the noise of the construction trucks. He’s even gone so far as to fix a toilet in the men’s restroom. When an angel in white overall appears telling him “It’s time,” Al is nonplussed. He demands the angel prove he has heavenly powers, and while they’re waiting for the “order” to go through, the angel gives Al a few options for his passing—from ...

  The Last Words of Christ in the Way of the Cross

Lenten by Thomas J Gardiner

25 pages

1 m, 1 w. (If more speakers are available, the parts can be distributed)

The 14 Stations of the Cross are brilliantly re-interpreted for modern audiences in these readings. Each Station is written to be whole in and of itself, and thus different Stations may or may not be used in each production. The goal of this play is to "Help us to share in the Passion of our Savior, to sense how those twisted streets of Jerusalem run through the streets of Los Angeles and Calcutta. To intuit how the wood that made the cross may buttress the fragile walls of our own homes, to feel how the steel that made the nails may make bullets and and bayo...

  Satan's Assignment: Canceled

Adult Easter by Juanita Weiss

24 pages

10 m, 2 w, 5 flex, 2 teens, 4 extras, doubling possible.

In the bowels of hell, Satan schemes with his computer-wielding intelligence officer, Abaddon, and his cohorts Sin, Death, Hell, and Grave. Their mission: to kill the Carpenter, the one who has been thwarting Satan's plans for the humans. Only Satan is aware of the Carpenter's true identity, for his unwary accomplices are simply pawns in his vengeful battle against Yahweh who kicked him out of heaven. You will get the behind-the-scenes look at Jesus' battle with spiritual wickedness through His life and death and finally His defeat of the spirits of darkness ...

  Seeking Jesus

Resource by Laurel Means

44 pages

11 monologues and duets (up to 9 w)

These eleven monologues and duets, presented through nine women, tell the emotional events of Jesus’ Crucifixion and the miracle of his foretold Resurrection. Chronologically arranged, they closely follow the Passion story in interweaving the women’s relationships with Jesus and with each other. Each piece, however, may stand alone, whether in a liturgical role during a worship service, or as part of a program. "Seeking Jesus" assists us in seeing these women as individuals. They are mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, disciples – just as women of today. Leng...

  Seven Steps to the Cross

Adult Easter by Roy Wiegand

30 pages

flexible casting

Lent and Easter come alive with these seven dramatic portrayals, each 10 to 15 minutes long. These portrayals can be performed sequentially to form an entire program, or select ones can be performed singly to enhance a worship service. The dramas follow the events as they actually happened, beginning with John at midnight after the Last Supper, and ending with Barabbas some thirty years after the crucifixion of Jesus. Other portrayals are the voices of Judas, Peter, Caiaphas, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene. The monologues are as historically acc...

  The Sparrow and the Hawk

Adult Easter by Alberta Hawse

17 pages

4 w.

Have you ever wondered about some of the people who were responsible for crucifying Jesus? After all, what kind of people could kill our Lord? The pain and guilt felt by two women, the anger of a third, and the joy announcing the resurrection by the fourth are dramatically brought to life in this play by famous Christian playwright Alberta Hawse. A play that shows human frailty and faith in the shadow of the most important event on earth. About 20 minutes.

  Thunder Over the House

Adult Easter by Alberta Hawse

43 pages

2 m, 3 w, 1 g.

The story of a physician who loses his respect and self-confidence in the face of Jesus' great healing powers. Embittered, the doctor strikes Jesus at His trial. Soon he finds his arm limp and lifeless. Although his family begs him to go to the cross while Jesus still lives, the physician refuses until, with thunder crashing over the house, his wife declares, "Now it is too late." Later, when the physician and his family learn that Jesus has risen, they realize it is never too late to seek forgiveness and be healed through prayer. About 60 minutes.

  A Touch of His Robe

Adult Easter by Nan Davis

28 pages

4 m, 2 w, 4 flexible parts.

The days just before Jesus' crucifixion are recreated in stunning detail as Jesus is questioned by high priests at the temple, then later arrested through Judas' deception. When He is finally led away to the crucifixion, we feel the emotions of those involved including James, John, Judas, the priests, and Mary Magdalene who is left holding His robe. Performance time: 30 minutes.

  The Witness of the Light

Adult Easter by Rev. John C. Park

21 pages

14 readers.

Here is a beautiful, inspiring, candlelight Easter service. It is the reverse of a Good Friday Tenebrae service in that as a variety of people read short monologues representing witnesses to the crucifixion and resurrection, candles are lit rather than extinguished. Scripture readings, prayers, and suggested hymns are also included. A dramatic service to show the true joy of the resurrection. About 45-minutes. 

  Rhema: Words to Live By

by Jae Campbell

21 pages

Ensemble cast of 18 - 23

This dramatic presentation highlights the power of the spoken words of Jesus and the spoken promises of God. It uses the eloquence of figurative language and poetry to recreate the monumental events that capture Jesus’ last days on earth. Incorporating dramatic movement and hymns, an ensemble cast will take you full circle on a journey from when the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt to the Last Supper, a Passover celebration gone wrong. The imagery depicting the horrific death of Jesus will come to life, and in the final scene you will be reminded of His life...

  We Saw His Sermon on the Mount

one-act by Gary Gagliardi

48 pages

3 m, 3 w

In this play, six witnesses to the Sermon on the Mount recreate the experience for an early assembly of Christians. In the recreation, witnesses take turns acting as Jesus, audience members, and narrators of the story. Though much more entertaining and humorous than most translations of the Sermon, Jesus’s words in this version closely follow the original Greek in the order that He spoke them. This word order demonstrates the warmth and cleverness that Jesus used to draw people into His message. This allows audiences today to hear these words in an exciting n...