Children's Plays for All Year

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  Summer of KAOS

Comedy by Stephen Murray

47 pages

Flexible cast of 15 (approx. 3 m, 9 w, 3 flexible), extras as desired

Confusion and fun are the business of the day at Kamp KAOS, a summer camp that boasts its own 12-watt radio station. It's opening day at the camp and director Wally Schneider is already in trouble: the mortgage is due; the world's wealthiest woman wants to buy the land the camp sits on; the county health inspector is coming; and the mysterious weather phenomenon El Gordo has brought a migration of mice! It's up to the wacky gang of counselors and campers to save the day when Wally eats cheese laced with sedative. This hour-long, one-set comedy can easily expa...

  Jonah and Bigfish

Anytime Youth by Richard T. Young

40 pages

22 flexible characters, 12 with doubling.

This is a somewhat zany retelling of the traditional story of Jonah. Although enhanced with some extra characters and scenes, the theme and overall message hold true to the Old Testament Scriptures. Included in the story is Herald, the angel who acts as God’s voice and has the ability to turn up at unusual places and in unusual ways. In the opening scene a handful of fun-loving woodland creatures discover Jonah asleep, and bring in the right blend of seriousness when they realize he must be the prophet. Along the way Jonah interacts with some sailors who even...

  The Missionary of Oz

Comedy by Brian Sylvia

47 pages

4 m, 5 w, 8 flexible

This stage adaptation of Frank Baum’s original story is perfect for churches and Christian schools. Dorothy, a teenager in Kansas, just isn’t interested in church anymore. In fact, she’s trying to determine what she really believes. Then in a dream, she finds she has been sent by God to a strange land, Oz, to be a missionary. Convinced she cannot accomplish the task, she is encouraged by Glinda the Good to seek the assistance of the Great Missionary in the Emerald City. On the way, she encounters three familiar characters who are also failed missionaries beca...

  Prince Eugene and the Cinder Queen

Fairy Tale by Mickey Wright

44 pages

3 males, 7 females, 1 flexible, extras

Here’s the Cinderella story retold, with a little help from above! Overworked and derided by her stepmother and three stepsisters, kindhearted Cinderella can only dream of attending a ball at the castle. Suddenly her Angel Godmother appears, but she almost blows the whole fairy tale before the Godfather rushes to the rescue on his Zucchini 500. (There’s a shortage of pumpkins!) Prince Eugene dreams of finding an honest girl, but his eccentric fans make a nightmare of his party. His only hope is the sweet young woman who isn’t afraid to state her own thoughts....

  A Caterpillar’s Tale

Children by Carlos Perez

39 pages

Flexible cast of 8 to 15. Min: 1 m, 1 w, 6 flexible

Periwinkle, a curious caterpillar, feels compelled to find out what happens when caterpillars climb up the Great Tree –and never return! He decides to follow grumpy Thistle, who seems to be next to do the climb, but Periwinkle encounters some big obstacles he must overcome, including evading the clutches of a black widow spider. Meanwhile, on the ground, Periwinkle’s worried “family,” Sepia and two boisterous babies, escape their own predators, vicious wasps and a praying mantis, along with a comical pair of hungry flies. Finally, Thistle emerges from his coc...

  I Am Angel

Drama by Alaska Reece Vance

36 pages

3 m, 8 w, 16+ flexible or with doubling 3 m, 6 w, 2 flexible

When Angel was a child, she knew she had wings. She knew she could fly. After telling everyone and enduring mockery, she left her wings on the ground in exchange for fitting in. Now she is in high school, and when she sees her friend Hunter being teased for sharing honest feelings, Angel is torn. Standing up for Hunter now means no longer fitting in, giving up her new possible boyfriend Isaac and alienating the few friends she has. But Angel gains one of the most important insights of all — that she is already loved just for being herself. An Angel Chorus use...

  Silent War

Reader Theatre by Clete Melick

20 pages

4 m, 2 w

Here is a perfect play to introduce children to the Underground Railroad. Designed as a Reader’s Theatre, "The Silent War" is a story of three slaves – and eight little mice – who escape to freedom along the Underground Railroad. Uncle Amos, Belle, and Buck Henry, all slaves on a Kentucky plantation, didn’t plan to escape until they met Zakary, a Bible salesman and abolitionist. He shows them the way to cross the river into Ohio and from there travel north to other stations. Along the way, the three slaves are helped by other dedicated abolitionists including...

  Clowning Around

Clowns Puppets by

0 pages

Script: 33 pages.

Here are six clown skits which cover subjects ranging from Christmas and the Fruit of the Spirit to how to talk to God. Even creation is not safe from the clowns' crazy interpretation of the six days (and what God did on the seventh!) in "A Very, Very, Very, Very, Very Long Time Ago." Created with ease of presentation in mind with minimal cast and prop requirements. #3019M - CLOWNING AROUND

  Holiday Delights

Clowns Puppets by

40 pages

Script: 40 pages.

Here are four holiday puppet plays, two for Christmas and two for Easter, that are sure to delight young audiences. "Barnyard Christmas" has more cow jokes than you've ever "herd," but these cows bring a "mooving" message of selfless giving. "Who Will Go" takes laughter to new heights as these loveable angels try to help fix the problems of the world. Easter skits include "The Bad News Bullies" and "Hannah."

  Innocent In Eden

Anytime Youth by Thomas J Gardiner

33 pages

6 m, 3 w, 5 flexible

In the Prologue, Light, Night, Sky, Sea and Earth tell how and why God created them, and why He went on to create Adam to rule over all the other creatures on the Earth. In the Garden of Eden, Adam decides to name all the animals he meets. A pair of Elephants teach him some manners, describe how versatile their long noses are compared with his, and leave him to ponder his limitations. A pair of Monkeys play word games with him to arrive at their name, which Adam finally decides must be "Montgomery." Satan as the Snake appears and privately reveals to the audience his rebellious origin a...

  Mother Goose In Sunday School

Skit by

46 pages

A Collection of Skits

At last, nursery rhymes with a reason. Here are 15 skits, based on popular nursery rhymes and tales, with delightful new twists toward biblical lessons. For instance, "The Three Little Kittens" may have lost their mittens, but they end up dressed in the whole armor of God. In "The Grasshopper and the Ants," the grasshopper learns how important it is to make provisions for the future which explains why the ants collect the bread of life. In another, the Little Christian, like the little engine that could, finds he is rewarded for facing his challenges. These s...

  Noah's Rainbow

Anytime Youth by Thomas J Gardiner

36 pages

6 m, 7 w, numerous extra children.

A delightful version of the Noah's Ark story in verse. Noah talks with his wife about filling an Ark, but she is indignant at the prospect of cleaning up after all those animals. As the animals appear two by two we meet them and they, too, turn up their noses at the Ark until it starts raining. Once on board everyone is complaining. A clever Fox persuades all of the male animals to "mutiny" but the wives save the day and Noah's wife sends the Fox to the brig. When the Dove returns with the olive branch the Rainbow Children appear and describe the bright and colorful new world upon whi...

  Not My Son

Drama by Dolores Klinsky Walker

39 pages

3 m, 4 w

What does the Bible really teach about homosexuality? How can some Christians think it’s an awful sin and others welcome gays into church leadership? Sixteen-year-old Peter thinks he is gay, and he’s still hoping it’s not true, that no one will ever have to know he even suspected it. Peter’s father is the pastor of a church, his best buddy is the leader of the youth group. The world would end if they and Ashley, a girl who’s definitely attracted to Peter, found out. But bit by bit his secret leaks out, and then he isn’t the only one facing the dilemma of being gay and Christian. This pla...

  Puppet Plays For Pun...

Clowns Puppets by

49 pages

8 sketches for 3-8 puppets.

This collection for elementary-aged students includes "Moses Smites the Rock" (with a talking rock!) and "The Prodigal Son," as well as original stories. "Seventy Times Seven" uses slapstick to teach forgiveness. In "No Eggs for Easter," the Easter bunny loses his eggs, but learns about Jesus. "Odd Somes" uses simple puppets children can make to show how God can use anyone. "Penny Latchkey" deals with crime prevention and wariness towards strangers. In the "Two Shoes," the characters are worn-out shoes who learn the difference between the Christian and the worldly life. "Frankie Finds a ...

  Real Love Will Wait

Anytime by

0 pages

3 m, 4 w, extras.

Jenny, a high school student, is on cloud nine. Dave Stone has asked her to the prom. Her girlfriends are all sexually active and have been pressuring Jenny to give up her old-fashioned Christian views on premarital sex. Then, on the day before the prom, Jenny's best friend tearfully confides that she thinks she is pregnant and her boyfriend dumped her when she told him. Michelle doesn't want Jenny to make the same mistake. Distraught, Jenny begins to question whether premarital sex is worth the gamble of pregnancy, disease, loss of reputation, or compromise of values. Her decision is...