Monologues and Duets

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  Jesus Who?

Sketch by Vinita Hampton Wright

36 pages

25 Sketches and Monologues for Christian Worship

These scenes and monologues are perfect for an evening of Gospel Theatre in the Chancel or as adjuncts to Sermons or even lessons in Sunday School. They place their characters in the present but the characters talk about their impressions of Jesus and His effect on their lives as if they were there with Him during His Ministry. Explore the feelings and perceptions of ordinary people whose lives have been dramatically changed. Some of them knew God in the wilderness others were healed by Jesus. Some are living today, learning about grace as they face life's tough issues. Two- to seven-m...

  Mary Magdalene: At The Feet Of

Easter i-Monologue by

4 pages

By Roy Wiegand.

Mary Magdalene, who was forced to fend for herself at a young age and fell in to a sinful life, says it was when she first met Jesus that her life really began. She relates how, knowing she would not be welcomed, she walked into a house unannounced to wash His feet with perfume. Later, she was allowed to travel with Him and his disciples when other women were not. And now Mary Magdalene sits by His tomb and wonders how will they all go on without Him . until the stone is rolled away and she speaks to a wondrous stranger!

  Judas, The Betrayer

Easter i-Monologue by

3 pages

By Roy Wiegand.

Judas admits he has betrayed Jesus and now Judas has misgivings. Jesus, he says, seemed to have "an aura of majesty about Him, an aura of hope, of salvation." Judas confesses, "At this moment I was not sure I was doing the right thing, and my legs were urging me to run away from this place and undo everything I'd done!"

  One Wise Man's Journey

Christmas i-Monologue by

2 pages

By Robert Blaskey

A Wise Man has seemingly always been on a journey, searching for a goal that would give his life deeper meaning. He finds the star and follows it where, in a lowly stable, he finds the Babe . more than a child, a king. The Wise Man's journey is now at an end, for once you find God, all your searching is over.

  Evangeline, Reluctant Angel

Christmas i-Monologue by

4 pages

By Judith Clough

The Angels in Heaven are excited that Evangeline has been chosen to announce the great joy of Baby Jesus' birth. Evangeline is doubtful the world will care or that the shepherds will even understand. The Angels respond that the shepherds will love Him in their own humble way, and will know why He is to be born in a manger.

  Three Wise Men Of Chaldea

Christmas i-Monologue by

3 pages

By Judith Clough

The three Wise Men prepare for the long journey to find the Christ Child. Balthazar is determined to go, Melchior argues because he hates to travel, and Caspar repeats everything Balthazar says or does, much to everyone's irritation. When Caspar sees the bright star, however, they all become anxious to leave.

  Pilate: Forced To Decide

Easter i-Monologue by

2 pages

by Robert Blaskey.

Pilate is being forced to decide the fate of this man called Jesus. Pilate can find no legal basis to sentence Him to death, and even Pilate's wife urges him to let this "just man" go. Yet, Jesus won't defend himself, and the high priest Caiaphas insists Pilate sentence Jesus to death, or Caiaphas will report Pilate to Rome. It's all political, but there's so much at stake.

  Mary: My Son, I Am With You

Easter i-Monologue by

2 pages

By Robert Blaskey.

Mary says Jesus talked to her many times about his death, trying to prepare her for it. But she always pushed the thoughts away. It would happen later, some time in the distance. And she admits she even started to believe that He wouldn't have to die, that the prophecies were wrong. But now He is on the cross, dying, and she can do nothing about it, except be there for Him.

  Judas: My God, What Have I

Easter i-Monologue by

3 pages

by Robert Blaskey.

Judas is consumed with guilt and remorse. He can't believe that his actions have lead to Jesus' torture and crucifixion. If only Judas could take it back --can't he give back the 30 pieces of silver and make everything right again? All Jesus preached was forgiveness, but Judas will never be able to forgive himself.

  Mary Magdalene: Always Hope

Easter i-Monologue by

2 pages

by Robert Blaskey.

Mary Magdalene is frantic. How could they kill this man who has only shown love to everyone? Jesus cured her of her demons without asking questions. Now, she must follow His example helping others, not by asking who they are, but what they need. That is the only way she can go on. That's the only way -- of hope.

  Peter: Even Denial Can Be ...

Easter i-Monologue by

2 pages

By Robert Blaskey.

Peter-his name means "rock," yet when Jesus needed him most, he let Him down. He denied Him, eventually three times. Peter yearns for forgiveness. But wait-that look in Jesus' eyes. It's not condemnation. It's pity, yes, but moreover, it's love. Peter realizes Jesus will always forgive us.

  Barabbas, The Acquitted

Easter i-Monologue by

3 pages

By Roy Wiegand.

Barabas is in a dungeon waiting to be taken off any moment to die on the cross. But not with Jesus, for Jesus was crucified many years ago. Since then Barabas has come to know Him through the teachings of His disciples and now realizes that He died that day that others might be saved. Now, Barabas says, the burden is a much lighter one, for "I now know your Master not only died for you, but for me also. And now I go to my death as Barabbas, The Acquitted."

  Mary: The Pain In Her Heart

Easter i-Monologue by

3 pages

By Roy Wiegand.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, feels the pain only a mother can feel when she sees Jesus carrying his own cross. Blood from His torture, blood dripping into His eyes from a crown of thorns. She recalls his birth, his special childhood, and the miracles he's accomplished in his adulthood. Suddenly the noise of the crowds, soldiers and other prisoners fades as she looks into His eyes one last time and knows. He is the one. He is the Messiah. And though He belongs to another world, He yet suffers and bleeds in this one in order to fulfill a thousand-year prophesy. And she, the mother of the So...

  Caiaphas: The Punishment

Easter i-Monologue by

3 pages

By Roy Wiegand.

Caiaphas, the regal high priest of the temple, is ready to have this madman named Jesus arrested. He has just made a deal with a grimy little man claiming to be a disciple who, for 30 pieces of silver, will identify Jesus with a kiss. Caiaphas plans for the arrest to take place before dawn in adherence with the law which forbids the taking of prisoners during the daylight hours of Passover. Caiaphas says, "He must be found, he must be arrested, he must be sentenced, and he must be put to death."

  John - Garden Of Gethsemane

Easter i-Monologue by

3 pages

By Roy Wiegand.

Easter comes alive with this dramatic reading, a monologue portraying John at midnight after the Last Supper. He relates how the Master invited him to sit next to Him for the meal, how he wanted to remember seeing Jesus pray in the moonlight, and finally how He stopped the bleeding from the guard's severed ear. But now the soldiers have taken Him, and in his heart John is afraid. He is a weak man, and he fears for Jesus.