18 pages
Flexible cast of 18 – 30+
Three hobos gather in New York City in the early 1900s. Winter is approaching, and they hatch a plan to get themselves arrested so they can winter in jail, where at least they will have a warm bed and three squares a day. They proceed with multiple attempts to get themselves nabbed, but each attempt fails, for one reason or another. Dejected, they wander the streets until they come to a church where they hear a Christmas hymn playing. The beauty of the scene and the power of the music prompts them to pledge to reform their lives and start afresh—and it’s at t...
28 pages
2 m, 3 w, 5 flexible and chorus
“Never a Truer Tale - A Jonah Musical” follows the Biblical prophet Jonah as she washes up on shore and meets three friends: Athena, an eternal skeptic; Agnes, an indecisive fence-sitter; and Theo, a true believer in… pretty much everything. Jonah begins to tell her story to the trio, explaining that she was called by God to preach to Nineveh, the city at the center of an empire known for conquest and cruelty, but that she chose to run away instead. The trio adds quips and commentary as she tells of boarding a ship, running into a storm, being thrown overboar...
12 pages
Flexible cast
Here is a back-to-basics Christmas program using your whole church family as they celebrate and perform together. Narration, directly from God’s Word, is read by adult actors from written scrolls so there is minimal memorization. The music is treasured and joyful Christmas carols and hymns. Use your youth and adults for solos, ensembles or instrumentals. At certain points, the whole congregation is invited to sing as well. School-aged kids can just dress up and pantomime with a few speaking parts and preschoolers are either sheep or tiny shepherds - cute ei...
52 pages
5 m, 5 w, 2 flexible. Doubling possible.
Come on back to a simpler time and visit the folks at Juneberry this Christmas! Things seem peaceful at the courthouse on Christmas Eve, and Sheriff Randy Baylor thinks that is mighty fine. His deputy, Arnie Nife, couldn't disagree more. Arnie is tired of the lack of action happening in the small town. Even locking up Curtis, the town drunk, isn't exactly cheering him up. When a few robberies start getting reported and a couple of carolers go missing while singing for the town, boring Juneberry gets real busy, real fast! Come join the citizens of Juneberry, w...
19 pages
Gender-flexible cast of 12 (with ensemble opportunities)
It’s the greatest story ever told! Well, sort of…. Grade school student Miley accidentally ends up at the annual meeting of the Bethlehem Animal Historical Society. The animals are retelling the story of a miracle night witnessed by their ancestors thousands of years ago in Bethlehem. Only, as they begin to act it out, Miley realizes they may have some of the details and focus wrong. Can Miley help them understand the real meaning and importance of that fateful night? The animals are shocked to find out the peacock is not the star, the donkey doesn’t win a m...
24 pages
5 m, 6 w
It's Christmas and city slicker Gerald King is trying to find a way to bring his family closer together. They have drifted apart due to their daily routines: Gerald with his job; Alice, her meetings; and the kids – well, they’re teenagers (say no more). They have embarked on a trip to the mountains to get their very own Christmas tree. However, they get lost and have to be rescued by the Shepherds, an extended mountain family. The Shepherds mistake them as being down on their luck and welcome them into their home and their hearts. As relationships develop, th...
47 pages
Flexible cast of 15 (approx. 3 m, 9 w, 3 flexible), extras as desired
Confusion and fun are the business of the day at Kamp KAOS, a summer camp that boasts its own 12-watt radio station. It's opening day at the camp and director Wally Schneider is already in trouble: the mortgage is due; the world's wealthiest woman wants to buy the land the camp sits on; the county health inspector is coming; and the mysterious weather phenomenon El Gordo has brought a migration of mice! It's up to the wacky gang of counselors and campers to save the day when Wally eats cheese laced with sedative. This hour-long, one-set comedy can easily expa...
40 pages
22 flexible characters, 12 with doubling.
This is a somewhat zany retelling of the traditional story of Jonah. Although enhanced with some extra characters and scenes, the theme and overall message hold true to the Old Testament Scriptures. Included in the story is Herald, the angel who acts as God’s voice and has the ability to turn up at unusual places and in unusual ways. In the opening scene a handful of fun-loving woodland creatures discover Jonah asleep, and bring in the right blend of seriousness when they realize he must be the prophet. Along the way Jonah interacts with some sailors who even...
47 pages
4 m, 5 w, 8 flexible
This stage adaptation of Frank Baum’s original story is perfect for churches and Christian schools. Dorothy, a teenager in Kansas, just isn’t interested in church anymore. In fact, she’s trying to determine what she really believes. Then in a dream, she finds she has been sent by God to a strange land, Oz, to be a missionary. Convinced she cannot accomplish the task, she is encouraged by Glinda the Good to seek the assistance of the Great Missionary in the Emerald City. On the way, she encounters three familiar characters who are also failed missionaries beca...
32 pages
3-12, gender flexible.
There's wonderful news in the air - the Son of God is born! Follow the adventure of a shepherd boy and his lamb as they cross the countryside telling anyone they can about the birth of the Messiah! But it turns out that not quite everyone shares their excitement about the good news. "Pass-It-On Christmas" is equal parts chaotic comedy and touching storytelling that is sure to become a holiday favorite for all ages. This utterly delightful comedy is perfect for almost any Christmas occasion: small cast, large cast, small stage, no budget, children's audience, ...
20 pages
2 m, 5 teens, 2 children.
Seven youngsters, who have heard that Jesus appears on Earth on Christmas Eve, sneak into the church near midnight. As much as they hope to see Him, they become frightened when a strange man appears. In ragged clothes, hungry and tired, the stranger eats the food the youngsters brought as they question him. Is he some kind of homeless man or is he indeed the Savior they have been seeking? An extraordinary play which reminds us that our Savior is not just found in church but is everywhere. About 30 minutes.
20 pages
Cast of 10. (2 w, 3 teen girls, 5 teens)
Kaylee is not particularly thrilled about having to be part of a living Nativity at her church. Instead of standing outside in the cold, posing with her friends in costumes like a cheap religious Christmas card, she'd rather be with her boyfriend. The others have varying opinions, but all agree that emailing, texting and playing on their cell phones help pass the time between running to positions whenever a car passes. Kaylee just thinks it's all a waste of precious time. But sometimes God chooses crazy things, like this living Nativity, to share His love. So...
58 pages
6 m, 6 w, 1 flexible
What would you do if you lost your job, lost your home, and were on the verge of filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy… yet everyone in your family was already planning to spend Christmas with you? If you’re Melvin Maldaput, you call upon your real estate buddy to lend you a million-dollar home for the holidays. Melvin and his wife Miranda end up telling a string of lies to keep the ruse going. The last thing Melvin wants is his parents or in-laws to discover that he is a failure. Melvin’s rich hillbilly neighbors, Prudy and Pruitt, even pretend to be his servants. But...
32 pages
1 m, 1 w, 8 flex, 1 b, 1 g, extras.
Captain Gilabo, a greedy, Scrooge-like pirate, and his bumbling crew are spending their Christmas on a tropical island searching for the "treasure of all treasures." There is only one problem: the island is inhabited by children and the captain hates children! After holding one of the children captive, his crew begins to have a change of heart concerning their lives as fugitives. When the children share the Christmas story with their new pirate companions, the crew decides to leave the evil captain for good. Throw in a sinking island, a mis-fired cannon and a...
44 pages
3 males, 7 females, 1 flexible, extras
Here’s the Cinderella story retold, with a little help from above! Overworked and derided by her stepmother and three stepsisters, kindhearted Cinderella can only dream of attending a ball at the castle. Suddenly her Angel Godmother appears, but she almost blows the whole fairy tale before the Godfather rushes to the rescue on his Zucchini 500. (There’s a shortage of pumpkins!) Prince Eugene dreams of finding an honest girl, but his eccentric fans make a nightmare of his party. His only hope is the sweet young woman who isn’t afraid to state her own thoughts....