40 pages
4 m, 4 w, and 1 teen
What does Christmas really mean in the heart of the average person? That is what news reporter Vicki Huffman is assigned to find out and her story will be featured in the paper’s Christmas edition. She needs to interview a number of people from different walks of life to try to come to some consensus about this special holiday. She is assisted by her friend Elisabeth, who already has a good handle on what Christmas is about, as well as a young papergirl who touches the hearts of everyone in the office and beyond. She even melts th...
22 pages
1 m, 3 w, 2-3 girls.
Speaking parts: 1 m, 3 w, 2-3 girls. Nativity non-speaking roles for 3 m, 1 w, 2 teen boys. Also children’s choir, optional handbell choir or other musicians.
"Finding Joy" tells the poignant, but funny story of Lucy, a grandmother struggling to find joy this first Christmas after her husband has passed away. Surrounded by her daughter and grandchildren, Lucy tries her best to decorate. Unwrapping the nativity pieces, an angel appears and takes Lucy into the world of the holy family where joy and difficulty also walked han...
42 pages
6 m, 6 w, 2 girls, 3 flexible
Here is a touching comedy, a modern-day spin on the story of the Prodigal Son. After years of being over-shadowed by her pretty and over-confident older sister, Peri leaves home, taking the money from her college savings. Like the story from the New Testament, Peri, once quiet and hard-working, lives a life of excess, but finally realizes she wants to return to her family. A homeless man, who has more connection to the family than anyone initially realizes, urges Peri to call home. But will it be the same old story, or will the Stewarts have learned something...
31 pages
4 m, 6 w, extras.
Everyone wants this year's Christmas pageant at church done right - that means done their way! As the committee members argue over ideas at a fruitless (and funny!) meeting, they realize the Baby Jesus prop for the nativity can't be located. Finally it is found on top of some old records about the church's very first Christmas pageant, and everyone realizes they had lost sight of keeping Christ in Christmas. Lots of humor with an optional ending for a nativity scene and carol. Performance time: 40 minutes (or longer with optional nativity scene).
24 pages
4 m, 4 w, 2 flexible, extras, choir
Harry Hamilton, a local town council member, successfully persuades the council to eliminate the manger scene from the town square, only to discover that just a block away a local community church will host a living nativity. And guess who is chosen to be Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus? Harry’s son and daughter-in-law had become Christians during the previous year and are delighted when the pastor asks them and their new son to portray the holy family. Forced to visit the live nativity by his wife, the doting mother and grandmother, Harry at first appears to be...
26 pages
4 m, 2 w, 2 m non-speaking.
"If that means I have to charge more, so be it! If that means that the poor have to go hungry, too bad!" Those are the unfeeling words of Jonas, an innkeeper in Bethlehem. His inn is full and business is booming, thanks to Caesar's decree. But Jonas' wife, Abigail, and daughter, Deborah, cannot talk him into being a more compassionate businessman and helping those less fortunate. Jonas argues he should make all the money he can now for their old age since their son, Rueben, who would have helped take care of them, died much too soon. The way Jonas figures it,...
40 pages
2 m, 7 w, 3 b, 2 g + extras if desired.
Florence and Myrna, residents of a rest home in Pasadena, make up a story to test Myrna's children. Florence has never had a real family Christmas. Myrna had years of storybook Christmases with her five children who live in Idaho, but now her health needs have brought her to a warmer climate. Florence fantasizes that a family would come along and take her in for Christmas, but of course no family would put themselves out that way. Yes, they would, says Myrna, her children would. She taught them to be caring in just that way. "Would not," says Florence. "Would...
60 pages
6 m, 6 w
Prudy and Pruitt Prouty have sad news this Christmas. Their once successful business, Seagull Commander, is facing Chapter 11 bankruptcy. They are forced to lay off all their employees and liquidate their assets. Melvin Maldaput is the first employee they break the news to as he and his wife Miranda have become their friends. Last year Melvin was facing Chapter 7 bankruptcy and the Proutys were able to help him.
Melvin is upset because he was counting on using his Christmas bonus for ...
58 pages
6 m, 6 w, 1 flexible
What would you do if you lost your job, lost your home, and were on the verge of filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy… yet everyone in your family was already planning to spend Christmas with you? If you’re Melvin Maldaput, you call upon your real estate buddy to lend you a million-dollar home for the holidays. Melvin and his wife Miranda end up telling a string of lies to keep the ruse going. The last thing Melvin wants is his parents or in-laws to discover that he is a failure. Melvin’s rich hillbilly neighbors, Prudy and Pruitt, even pretend to be his servants. But...
24 pages
5 m, 3 w, 5 flex
It Christmas and once more the ornaments have been hauled out of storage and put on display. But why? That is the question that the Christmas tree ornaments are asking themselves. Why are they stuffed in boxes for months on end just to be hauled out and stuck on a prickly old tree once a year? As they argue amongst themselves and bemoan their aches and pains from being cramped up for so long, they are suddenly confronted with the characters from the crèche: an angel, a shepherd and a wise man. They've come to tell the ornaments to keep it down as they are goi...
32 pages
4 m, 4 w, 4 flexible, extras
Mark Nelson, an “Everyman” husband and father, has scheduled his family to participate in a live nativity, just to have them together for one night without distractions to focus on Christ and remind everyone else to focus on Him, too. But it’s tough! His wife Susan is desperate to finish shopping, daughter Jen can’t be disconnected from her friends, and Grandpa wants to voice his strong opinions! When son Kenny, er, make that Kenneth now, arrives straight from college with a whole lot of religious doubt he never had before, the family is shocked. Unfortunatel...
52 pages
Widely flexible cast (suggested minimum 4 m, 4 w, 1 narrator, 3 children)
These 12 Yuletide sketches will provide an evening of laughter while never losing sight of the holiness of the season. With flexible casting and only a chair or bench for scenery, they're just right for any stage and ideal for dinner theatre. On this visit to Christmastown you'll meet some passersby in a park who tell you what Christmas really means to them and some strangers waiting for a bus who give gifts to each other, inspired by a little girl's doll. Find out what the wise men were thinking, at least when they are portrayed by three 10-year-olds in thei...
70 pages
from 2m, 2 w, to 5 m, 7 w.
These seven skits look at Christmas from different angles. Some titles include "Grandma, the Lights Are Out," about faith in our Lord and His provisions for us; "The Perfect Gift," and why no one will accept it; "The Christmas Question" which asks what will you do with Jesus; and the humorous skit, "The Package." While each skit offers a fresh perspective, common to all is the miracle of Jesus' birth and sacrifice. A resource you'll use for many years! Performance time: 10 to 30 minutes each.
47 pages
6 m, 4 w, 2 teen girls.
If putting on the church's Christmas play isn't hectic enough under normal circumstances, Randy Rogers has the added problem of whether to use two new members. Fred and Royce Fink are ready to act, but they are so comical and bumbling, the other church members don't want them anywhere around, much less with major roles! Even Randy starts to doubt his decision of including them when he sees what a disaster the play is turning into. But when the Royce brothers accept Christ, they step into their greatest roles - that of showing us the joys of acceptance and for...
44 pages
7 m, 9 w
Marcy Bradford, a self-centered movie star, is distraught over being delayed at the airport on Christmas Eve with the possibility of being late for her performances. Add to that the antics of three senile, sweet old ladies, two small-time thieves and a doctor and his wife trying to get away on a long overdue vacation and you see the tension rising. Both Marcy's mother and secretary try to remind her of what Christmas used to be like before her fame. With the help of a missionary couple coming home after four years in Africa, and Jimmy, a homeless man (really ...