Adult Christmas

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  A Christmas Carol (Swartz-Play)

Classic by L. Don Swartz

54 pages

11 m, 11 w, 2 flexible, 8 boys, 6 girls.

This faithful yet unique adaptation of the Charles Dickens' holiday story begins in "another world" where Tiny Tim appears. More than just an employee's crippled son, he is a symbol of Scrooge's own infirmity. Scrooge's deceased business partner, Marley, is granted permission to return to Earth with a small but powerful army of holiday spirits on his adventure to convert the covetous old sinner into a Yuletide saint. The most popular scenes of the novel are dramatized, but especially powerful is the future scene of Bob Cratchit's gut-wrenching loss of his bel...

  An O. Henry Holiday -- Gifts of the Season

Christmas Classic Holiday by Linda Livingston

40 pages

Very fluid cast. Minimum: 7 m, 5 w.

“The Gift of the Magi” is probably one of the most beloved stories for Christmas. It, along with two other tender stories by O. Henry, “The Last Leaf” and the lesser known “Christmas by Injunction,” are dramatized here, set in the framework of O. Henry’s life which in itself is a story. In the early 1900s he was one of the most widely read authors in America. O. Henry, whose real name was William Sydney Porter, was known, however, to have spent some time in jail for allegedly embezzling from an employer, and it is believed that he started writing there in ord...

  A Stranger for Christmas

Comedy With Heart by Carol Lynn Pearson

36 pages

2 m, 7 w, 3 boys, 2 girls, optional extras.

Two ladies in a rest home are arguing. Florence, who has never had a real family Christmas, fantasizes that a family would come along and take her in for the holiday, but of course no family would put themselves out that way. Yes, they would, says her roommate Myrna who has had years of storybook Christmases with her five children. To prove their differing viewpoints, they invent the fictitious Genevieve, a little old lady in a rest home near Myrna's children in Idaho. If one of them will agree to take “her” in, Florence will really believe in Christmas. Dram...

  Christmas at the Library

Christmas by Karen Jones

20 pages

6 - 11 m, 3 - 4 w, 1 flexible, doubling possible

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the library it was quiet, until Tom and Huck wander from their book seeking a new adventure! Opening the cover of “Alice in Wonderland,” the boys are shocked by a rabbit hopping out, quickly followed by Alice. Trying to catch the rabbit leads to more books being knocked open, and they are soon joined by Dorothy Gale from “The Wizard of Oz,” St. Nicholas from “’T’was the Night Before Christmas,” Mrs. March from “Little Women” and old Scrooge with Marley from “A Christmas Carol.” The confused characters try to ma...

  Christmas at Gumption Gulch

Christmas by Brian Sylvia

55 pages

4 m, 5 w, 2 flexible, 1 girl and extras

No one loves Christmas more than Chrysanthemum Parker. As she and her grandma Gertie are discussing plans for a possible Christmas celebration show, Sheriff Gideon Gumption arrives to say that escaped convict Jedediah Thornside is on the loose. Jedediah actually is in the area with his partner-in-crime, Belinda Burnheart. They’ve concocted a sinister plan to swindle the town away from its current deed holder, the sheriff himself, AND cancel Christmas! Through a series of blunders, Sheriff Gumption falls for their scheme and the town now belongs to the villain...

  Merry Christmas From Heaven

Adult Christmas by Craig Howard

44 pages

3 m, 4 w, 2 flexible, 3 girls, 2 boys

Delmas, a father of three daughters and several grandchildren, is fighting a losing battle to cancer. This comes only one year after his wife passed away. Delmas also grieves over an estranged brother with whom he wants to reconcile before it is too late. Two of Delmas’s daughters are dealing with their own problems, with the third daughter caught in the middle. The sisters, with emotions on edge, begin to argue over inheritances and cause added pain to an already difficult situation. Four grandchildren struggle with losing someone they love so much, and how ...

  All I Need for Christmas

Adult Christmas by Annette Tringham

26 pages

1 m, 3 w, 1 flexible, 1 boy, extras

Goldie, Frank, and Myrna, three counselors at an emotional helpline, have devised a way to have Christmas Eve off this year. They have engaged Thomas Wellmore, a charming but self-centered Wall Street type, to man the phones. He willingly embraces the opportunity to “balance his karma” and “do something real at Christmas for those less fortunate.” As the evening wears on and no one calls, he becomes increasingly irritated and his true character is revealed. Then, at the stroke of midnight, a cleaning woman enters with her young son, Christopher. Though the ey...

  Old Shoemaker's Christmas

Adult Christmas by Chris Danyluk

35 pages

Large, flexible cast.

From the original story by Leo Tolstoy. Christmas Eve has come, but the old Russian shoemaker, Papa Panovich, is sad and alone. When he begins to read the story of the very first Christmas, the treasured words take on new life as he imagines and interacts with the words of Scripture. Then Papa Panovich believes he hears Jesus speaking to him, telling him that He will visit him tomorrow. All the next day while looking longingly for Jesus, Papa Panovich stops to help so many - providing a warm drink for Ivan, the old street sweeper; encouraging a struggling wid...

  Christmas Trappings

Adult Christmas by Brian Shoop

35 pages

2 m, 2 w, 1 flexible, 1 child, extra voices

Rev. Cordell opens the play as he recalls a Christmas some 20 years earlier when he was trapped with a handful of other strangers by a blizzard in a small Oklahoma diner. He wasn't a pastor then, but a young man full of questions. Seamlessly, we join the group: the owner of the diner who is set in her ways, a middle-aged man with a secret past, an edgy newspaper reporter from out of town, and a young mother completely on her own with a small child who does not speak. No one in the lonesome diner is quite sure of the real meaning of life or where theirs should...

  The Christmas Play

Adult Christmas by Craig Howard

47 pages

6 m, 4 w, 2 teen girls.

If putting on the church's Christmas play isn't hectic enough under normal circumstances, Randy Rogers has the added problem of whether to use two new members. Fred and Royce Fink are ready to act, but they are so comical and bumbling, the other church members don't want them anywhere around, much less with major roles! Even Randy starts to doubt his decision of including them when he sees what a disaster the play is turning into. But when the Royce brothers accept Christ, they step into their greatest roles - that of showing us the joys of acceptance and for...

  Meeting at the Manger

Adult Christmas by Dave Tippett

28 pages

Flexible cast of 23 (Approx. 8 m, 9 w, 2 flexible, 4 children, extras)

The church's Christmas play rehearsal is a disaster. The actors haven't had time to learn their lines and they're tripping and falling over each other. During a much needed break, Wendy, a busy lady playing Mary, complains to the new janitor, an old man, that she feels in all the holiday hustle and bustle she has lost God. He urges Wendy to pray. She does, and with a renewed sense of hope and vigor, calls the rest of the cast back on stage. But a mishap occurs and the janitor is knocked down. As he rises, we see the nail-hole scars in the palms of his hands. ...

  A Stranger for Christmas

Play With Music by Carol Lynn Pearson

40 pages

2 m, 7 w, 3 b, 2 g + extras if desired.

Florence and Myrna, residents of a rest home in Pasadena, make up a story to test Myrna's children. Florence has never had a real family Christmas. Myrna had years of storybook Christmases with her five children who live in Idaho, but now her health needs have brought her to a warmer climate. Florence fantasizes that a family would come along and take her in for Christmas, but of course no family would put themselves out that way. Yes, they would, says Myrna, her children would. She taught them to be caring in just that way. "Would not," says Florence. "Would...


Classic by Susan Barsky

14 pages

2 m, 3 w

Time has passed. Della and Jim, the young couple from O. Henry's short story, are now elderly. At their yearly Christmas Eve visit to a simple coffee shop, they encounter a melancholy woman. Touched by her sadness, they tell their story in a flashback scene of their first Christmas together when they each sold their most precious possession to buy the other a present. That experience changed forever their idea of buying expensive Christmas gifts. Instead they exchange the most priceless of all, love.

  Undercover Christmas: Arson or Accident

Christmas Christmas Comedy by Hope Bunch

52 pages

9 m, 6 w

Just one year ago, Doc Nash’s Free Health Clinic was facing closure. With a visit from the Undercover Boss, Lou Grant from the Matthew Chapter 25 Foundation approved a grant, thus saving the Clinic. But town councilwoman Beatrice Chandler now wants the Free Clinic closed. Her son will be opening a new medical practice and she doesn’t want any competition. She pays a visit to Doc, hoping to buy him out. When Doc refuses, Mrs. Chandler storms away in anger as she is accustomed to getting what she wants. Then, the unthinkable happens – a fire! It destroys much o...

  Miracles From Strangers

Christmas Comedy by James A. Gustafson

34 pages

5 m, 4 w

In 1933 the Depression had taken the merriment from the holidays. After a private party cancels, diner owner Mabel decides to stay open on Christmas Eve. That’s a good thing for a gangster, two thespians, and an out-of-town couple who wind up in a small diner just to get out of the cold and warm up with a hot cup of coffee. But when an inept robber takes them hostage these strangers find a Christmas miracle. This heartwarming holiday comedy tells an offbeat story of down-and-out strangers discovering the joy of Christmas at gunpoint. About 45 minutes.