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  Commandments Today

Drama Resource by

22 pages

Script: 22 pages.

A series of ten playlets, each three to five minutes long, dealing with an application of one of the Ten Commandments in modern life. Although written for performance in a church sanctuary, they are equally effective on a conventional stage.

  Confessions-Teenage Christian

Skit by

31 pages

Script: 31 pages.

Here's a collection of seven "confessions" that are guaranteed to add excitement to youth meetings and give your teens some reinforcement about their chosen way of life. Among the topics covered are the first day of high school, running for school office, and dating. Each skit runs 5 to 10 minutes and involves just a few characters. Perform them with minimal rehearsals, or just let the kids read their parts for some impromptu role playing. They're fun, realistic, and most importantly, can be a catalyst for discussions on Christian morals.

  Discovery Channel Mom

i-Monologue Mother's Day by

4 pages

1 w

She calls herself the Discovery Channel Mom, on a mission to get through the sometimes dangerous caverns of her twelve-year-old daughter's room. As tough as it is to navigate through her daughter's mess, it's just as tough to navigate through these turbulent years. Yet, she can sometimes get a glimpse at the adult her daughter will soon become.

  Easy Reader's Theatre

Drama Resource by

0 pages

Script: 52 pages.

Reader's theatre is a time-honored approach to presenting Christian drama and this book has it all. The author explains how to cast, stage, rehearse, and effectively present the four reader's theatre programs he adapted from the Bible. Titles include a Christmas story, "The Coming of the Messiah," with 6 readers and an Easter story, "The Passion Play," with 9 readers. Two others can be used anytime: "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego," with 9 readers and "The Story of Ruth," with 7 readers.

  Evangeline, Reluctant Angel

Christmas i-Monologue by

4 pages

By Judith Clough

The Angels in Heaven are excited that Evangeline has been chosen to announce the great joy of Baby Jesus' birth. Evangeline is doubtful the world will care or that the shepherds will even understand. The Angels respond that the shepherds will love Him in their own humble way, and will know why He is to be born in a manger.

  Foster Mother: A Window & Wall

i-Monologue Mother's Day by

3 pages

1 w

A foster mother realizes she's going to have to be a wall, to shield her young charge from people's thoughtless and hurtful comments. At the same time she will also have to serve as a window to God, to let this little girl know that she is valuable and precious.

  From Hearth To Heart

For Women Play by

17 pages

Three 5-7 minute skits that will enhance any woman's program.

God has gifted women to be keepers of the hearth where friends and family gather for food and conversation in the traditional center of the home. The three drama skits in FROM HEARTH TO HEART demonstrate how women use their homes as a base for spiritual growth, ministry and missions. But of course, no woman is perfect, and the poignant lessons of "Share and Prayer," "Mary and Martha" and "The Wild VBS Bronco" allow the audience to chuckle at themselves while gaining valuable spiritual insights geared to today's busy lifestyles. Simple sets.

  Fruit Basket Upset

Skit by

31 pages

This is just what you need if you are doing a study on the "fruits of the Spirit": love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith,

This is just what you need if you are doing a study on the "fruits of the Spirit": love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control. These nine playlets will bring home the truths of God's love toward us. Each one runs about 10-15 minutes. The cast size varies from 2 to 5. Jean shows us what God's love is like in "The Sacrifice." Mike and Carol have "Joyful Woes" as they reminisce about their 27 years together. And in "Tongue Tales" we see how gossip really can hurt. Use them to highlight your worship service or youth meetings.

  God's Top 10 List

Skit by

48 pages

Cast: 2 to 7 flexible.

"God's Top Ten List" presents the Ten Commandments in a fresh light. The words written on stone tablets so long ago are brought to modern situations, such as a fender-bender, parent-volunteers on a school project, remembering the Sabbath and gossiping about some things that should be left unsaid. These ten skits hold a mirror up to the audience that allows them to laugh at their own shortcomings. Emphasis is placed not so much on the "Thou shalt not's", but on the "why's." The actors will enjoy presenting the humorous and ironic situations and will themselves learn through the experienc...

  Golden Halo Awards

Anytime Skit by

24 pages

Cast: 4 m, 13 w, 10 flexible.

It's an evening to rival the Oscars, the Tonys and People's Choice awards. It's a star-studded night for the first Golden Halo Awards. Well-known Biblical figures will be honored tonight for their important roles in the history of the Old and New Testaments. The Heavenly Hosts lead the audience through an evening of humor (and a unique reminder of Bible history) with an impressive list of presenters and nominees. Who will win the award for the Bravest Man, Most Notorious Woman or Lifetime Achievement Award? The highlight of the evening is your presentation to your Pastor, Sunday school...

  He Will Hold You

Christmas i-Monologue by

2 pages

A Monologue to Mary From Her Mother

her own mother reassures her. She says how she wants to hold on to her but cannot. "I am letting you go to God, and to Joseph, and to your expected son. Each will ask for your heart in his own way."

  Herod, The Furious King

Christmas i-Monologue by

2 pages

By Robert Blaskey

Waiting for the three magi to return from their search, Herod considers his options in dealing with this imposter, a baby being called The King of Jews!

  Holding Baby Jesus

Christmas i-Monologue by

2 pages

By Jill Lamkin

Mary speaks to newborn Baby Jesus in the manger, loving Him with all her heart, but knowing that every birth someday brings a good-bye.

  I Was Looking For A Lamb ...

Christmas i-Monologue by

4 pages

By Jill Lamkin

A simple shepherd tells his story of angels and their pronouncement to find the Newborn King. The shepherd finds the stable, and there the Baby Jesus asleep in his mother's arms. The shepherd falls to his knees in reverence and prayer. As he leaves, he remembers his lost lamb and spies it by the manger, also sleeping peacefully.

  I Watch My Son At A Distance

i-Monologue Mother's Day by

3 pages

1 w

A mother confides her fears over her son, who is challenged in some way. Will he find friends? Will he make it through school? All parents want their child to grow up to be someone special. She prays she will see her son as God intended him to be and not try to make him into what she thinks he should be.