The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Anger, Envy, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, and Lust. These sins plague all mankind - even our teenagers. Each skit in this collection explores one of the seven deadly sins from the perspective of today's high school students. With as few as 2 males/3 females or as many as 7 males/13 females, these skits can be performed individually or collectively. Use one at a time for weekly youth meetings or combine with connecting narration to fill an evening. These are great discussion starters for youth leaders, but work equally well as stand-alone thought provokers. Actors and audiences will relate to the typical teens in these everyday settings: study hall, a science fair, the first job, their private home life. They will laugh at the antics of high schoolers like themselves, relate to the struggles they face, and see how God can help them overcome these universal sins.