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  Bible Story Skits

Anytime Youth by

26 pages

5 skits

Here are five Bible story skits that will captivate hearts, and because they are written in rhyme, it is super easy for young children to memorize their parts. Laughter will fill the air when your children perform "Noah's Zoo." At just the right moment, the narrator, perplexed and bewildered, recites, "By the time he was through, Noah had himself a zoo!" In "Daniel and the Friendly Lions," one of the lions stands and declares, "I'm certainly no dummy...This man, Daniel, doesn't belong in my tummy!" They will delight any audience - any day of the year.

  Crosses to Bear

Drama by Bryan McCampbell

29 pages

5 m, 5 w, 6 flexible, extras, doubling possible

How students cope with the death of classmates due to drinking and driving is poignantly brought home in this one-act. On one side, Lisa is consumed with guilt because she didn't take away her brother's car keys, even though she knew he drank. On the other, Kurt is racked with pain because if he hadn't been drinking, he wouldn't have needed his sister to pick him up and she wouldn't have been in Lisa's brother's car. Then the football team wants to erect a roadside cross in memory of Lisa's brother right next to a cross the girls are planning in memory of Kur...

  Heaven Only Knows

Comedy by Corey Sprague

14 pages

2 m, 1 w

A messenger of the Devil is sent to destroy the world but when he reaches Earth, he encounters a girl with ideas and problems of her own. Then we find out that the girl has been sent by ... you know who! One easy set.

  Diary Of Adam And Eve

Classic by Charles W. Whitman

21 pages

1 m, 1 w.

Here's a delightful adaptation of Mark Twain's witty stories about our beloved predecessors. We take Adam and Eve from the day she was "born" all the way through to her death with everything in between! It starts out with Adam feeling disgruntled because this new creature, Eve, wants to talk to him all the time, wants to put stars in her hair, and wants to name all the animals. The naming goes "recklessly on." And when Adam pushes Eve out of his shelter, those holes by her eyes start to leak! Eve, meanwhile, finds Adam unwilling to talk, because "perhaps he is not bright and wishes to co...

  Gettysburg Canon

Drama by Daniel S Kehde

72 pages

6 m, 5 w

Early morning July 1, 1863. Gettysburg, Pa. As thousands of troops from both North and South amass for what will become one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, five teenagers from several local farms escape to the safety of the surrounding hills. There's the level-headed Eliza and her little sister, Justine, who's strong-willed; Georgina, whose mother has sheared her hair to make her look like a boy; and Rachel and Jeremiah, a brother and sister from a wealthier family. As they witness the horrors of battle over the next three days, the teens are force...

  The Rehearsal

Drama by Earl Reimer

24 pages

2 m, 4 w

A drama troupe is preparing a play about Charles T. Studd, a missionary to China, India and Africa from 1880 to 1930. Andy, one of the actors, challenges how relevant the play is to today and in the ensuing argument makes a surprising discovery. Suitable for touring. About 35 minutes.

  Silent War

Reader Theatre by Clete Melick

20 pages

4 m, 2 w

Here is a perfect play to introduce children to the Underground Railroad. Designed as a Reader’s Theatre, "The Silent War" is a story of three slaves – and eight little mice – who escape to freedom along the Underground Railroad. Uncle Amos, Belle, and Buck Henry, all slaves on a Kentucky plantation, didn’t plan to escape until they met Zakary, a Bible salesman and abolitionist. He shows them the way to cross the river into Ohio and from there travel north to other stations. Along the way, the three slaves are helped by other dedicated abolitionists including...

  Things We Couldn't Say

Drama by James Schaap

51 pages

3 m, 3 w, 1 flexible

The biographer of the story of Berendina (Diet) Eman is interrupted by Diet herself as he begins a lecture about the Second World War and Nazi resistance in occupied Europe. Diet explains that her efforts to hide Jewish people were not unique, but were undertaken by many ordinary people. To explain, she begins to tell the exciting stories of her Resistance work. As she does, her younger self appears and narrates stories in ways which occasionally vary from the descriptions offered by her older self. In addition, her fiancé, Hein Sietsma, appears, and all thre...

  Twenty-Five Cent Ministry

Adult Anytime by Lisa Johnson

33 pages

Approx. 3 m, 8 w, 1 flex. Doubling possible.

A simple but bright orange robe, discarded years earlier and now found at a church bazaar sale, makes an incredible journey of ministry. Trisha buys the robe for twenty-five cents, and on a wild whim, wears it to meet her daughter's future in-laws. She gives the "lucky" robe to them and it provides a comic moment, one which leads to them talking again to get their marriage back on track. Soon they give the robe to Chyna, a lonely newcomer at church. Hard to miss while wearing the robe, Chyna meets new friends and she soon gives it to Jackie, who is ill. The r...

  Words By Fanny Crosby

Adult Anytime by

36 pages

8 m, 5 w, or 4 m, 9 w, extras.

This play with music recreates the life of Fanny Crosby, a special woman who blessed our world by writing the words to more than 8,000 hymns. She felt her lifetime of blindness brought her closer to the heart of God. Actual events - some humorous, others sad, a few even tragic - surrounding the inspiration for her most well-known hymns are dramatized in this easily staged portrait of the blind poetess whose words, poems, and lyrics continue to be sung by millions around the world today. Let your actors, choir, or congregation sing the suggested hymns which this remarkable woman wrote. A ...


Adult Anytime by

39 pages

5 m, 5 w

It is the future, a time when it is illegal to own a Bible or to proclaim any faith in Christ. The West family are true Christians. When their older friend Anna gives them a picture of Jesus, they are delighted, yet aware of the dangers of having it in their home. Even more distressing is the immediate threat of Anna's arrest. The government has ordered all those who refuse to deny their faith and refuse to pledge allegiance to the government to be put to death. After the soldiers take Anna away, the family knows they will probably be next. They wonder -- will their faith be strong enoug...

  And Also Much Cattle

Adaptation Biblical by Raleigh Marcell

29 pages

11 roles with any combination of Men/Women in the Chorus.

A clever adaptation of the Old Testament Book of Jonah. Ease of staging, flexibility of cast, faithfulness to the original text, humor, theatricality and relevancy to today's world help to make this adaptation one which will interest any theatre group. The script follows the story of "Camel-trader, potter, jack-of-all-trades yet expert in none" Jonah as he is called to save a people for whom he has nothing but hatred. After attempting to elude his calling, Jonah reluctantly does God's bidding. His transformation from potter to Prophet is successful: he saves people. But does he save hims...

  Beyond All Cost

Drama by Thomas J Gardiner

51 pages

14 m, 1 w, 1 child (can be doubled to 10 actors)

The play tells the true story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor who led the resistance to Hitler in the German church. Narrated by his friend Eberhard Bethge, the play follows Bonhoeffer from his early years as a seminary professor, to leading his students to organize an underground seminary and distribute clandestine anti-Nazi literature, and finally to his joining the secret unit of German military intelligence plotting the death of Hitler. Arrested by the Gestapo, Bonhoeffer is sent to prison, where he is visited by relatives and his fiancée in a poignant scene. In a poetic chorus, his...

  Christian Orchestra

Sketch by Arnold Johnston

46 pages

Flexible cast and performance time

The Christian Orchestra contains sixteen sketches which dramatically expose the key principles of correlated Scripture passages. The sanctity of life, sectarianism, prayer, the Holy Spirit, parenting and growth in grace are among the topics featured in the sketches.

  Cell 66

Drama by

37 pages

4 m, 4 w.

Dramatized from real life events, this contemporary 1-act play focuses on religious believers in the former Soviet Union who were jailed for their convictions. Inside a jail cell, a small group of prisoners are trying to survive harsh interrogations and lack of food. When Katya is denied the privilege of visiting with her family who have traveled two thousand miles to see her, several in the group try to comfort her with a piece of saved bread. But the bread is missing. They suspect it was eatern by the newest prisoner, Nadya, a tough, streetwise woman. Later that night, an older woman, ...