A very different type of play which may easily be produced by your youth group. Depicted as happening somewhere in the future, a boy and girl enter what was known as a "church." A guide takes a small tour through this church, and strange questions are asked. After they have left, the Stone Preacher comes to life to take part in the conversation. An entertaining, yet thought-provoking play. About 30 minutes.
Anytime Musical by Marvin Payne, Guy Randle, John Garbett, and Corey Sprague
63 pages
4 m, 3 w, 1 flexible, and chorus from 5 to 20 young people
In this allegorical fantasy an Agent keeps people under control by making them afraid to touch each other. A young woman escapes, however, and begins tending a garden overseen by Mossrag, a wise outsider. The Agent sends a young man to get her back, but instead the couple learn of the sweetness and sorrows of becoming involved in each other’s life. When they try to share these feelings with others, they put the gentle Mossrag in mortal danger. An uplifting show with a fun, contemporary mellow-rock score with such songs as “Love Hurts,” “Superficiality Sells,”...
When is doing homework fun? Bookworms, Herman and Digger, take the bite out of a book report assignment for frustrated and bored Christopher. The Word of God comes to life as Biblical figures enter Christopher's bedroom through a life-sized "Holy Bible." These historians tell their story with humor intermixed with the witty bickering of the lovable bookworms. You'll enjoy a new look at your favorite Bible heroes and heroines, such as the bravery of Joseph as he is sold into slavery by his spiteful brothers or the adventure of Moses and the hapless Israelites at the parting of the Red Sea.
A delightful version of the Noah's Ark story in verse. Noah talks with his wife about filling an Ark, but she is indignant at the prospect of cleaning up after all those animals. As the animals appear two by two we meet them and they, too, turn up their noses at the Ark until it starts raining. Once on board everyone is complaining. A clever Fox persuades all of the male animals to "mutiny" but the wives save the day and Noah's wife sends the Fox to the brig. When the Dove returns with the olive branch the Rainbow Children appear and describe the bright and colorful new world upon whi...
Take a trip back in history and learn how prayer has helped create this great nation. With Jesus as our guide, join a confused office worker in discovering the faith of past patriots such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and other well-known and many not-so-well-known patriots. With no scenery and just a few props, the focus is on the dramatic dialogue which includes excerpts from original speeches. Suggested songs for a choir enhance the mood of each segment of history. The powerful, surprise ending is a touching scene from the World Trade Center tragedy on Sept. 11, 2001. Give y...