Mary: The Pain In Her Heart

Play #: 7714
Pages: 3 pgs
Cast: By Roy Wiegand.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, feels the pain only a mother can feel when she sees Jesus carrying his own cross. Blood from His torture, blood dripping into His eyes from a crown of thorns. She recalls his birth, his special childhood, and the miracles he's accomplished in his adulthood. Suddenly the noise of the crowds, soldiers and other prisoners fades as she looks into His eyes one last time and knows. He is the one. He is the Messiah. And though He belongs to another world, He yet suffers and bleeds in this one in order to fulfill a thousand-year prophesy. And she, the mother of the Son of Man, is reduced to watching His agony.
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ORLAND PARK, IL 4/15/2025

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