The disciple Peter describes how he failed Jesus the last night, how he fell asleep when Jesus asked him to stay awake and ultimately, denied knowing Jesus three separate times. Peter says, "As I passed through that gate ... a cock crowed. It was at that instant that I realized how badly I had failed Him." Would Jesus forgive him and still have faith in him? Can Peter find peace?
Pilate is being forced to decide the fate of this man called Jesus. Pilate can find no legal basis to sentence Him to death, and even Pilate's wife urges him to let this "just man" go. Yet, Jesus won't defend himself, and the high priest Caiaphas insists Pilate sentence Jesus to death, or Caiaphas will report Pilate to Rome. It's all political, but there's so much at stake.
A mother recalls a recent dinner at a restaurant with her husband where their three children were amazingly well behaved, but a woman at a neighboring table wasn't so lucky with her little one. Rather than feel superior, she and her husband empathize and offer encouragement. She wants men and women alike to be members of the special Mommy Club, to support each other through the treacherous - and sometimes embarrassing! -times of parenthood.
A mother craves just a moment of peace from the needs of her children. Forget Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz" saying there's no place like home. Once in a while it's great to get away from home. Still, the mom knows what would happen if she were away-she'd just be thinking about the kids!
A foster mother realizes she's going to have to be a wall, to shield her young charge from people's thoughtless and hurtful comments. At the same time she will also have to serve as a window to God, to let this little girl know that she is valuable and precious.
her own mother reassures her. She says how she wants to hold on to her but cannot. "I am letting you go to God, and to Joseph, and to your expected son. Each will ask for your heart in his own way."
Waiting for the three magi to return from their search, Herod considers his options in dealing with this imposter, a baby being called The King of Jews!
A simple shepherd tells his story of angels and their pronouncement to find the Newborn King. The shepherd finds the stable, and there the Baby Jesus asleep in his mother's arms. The shepherd falls to his knees in reverence and prayer. As he leaves, he remembers his lost lamb and spies it by the manger, also sleeping peacefully.
A mother confides her fears over her son, who is challenged in some way. Will he find friends? Will he make it through school? All parents want their child to grow up to be someone special. She prays she will see her son as God intended him to be and not try to make him into what she thinks he should be.
Easter comes alive with this dramatic reading, a monologue portraying John at midnight after the Last Supper. He relates how the Master invited him to sit next to Him for the meal, how he wanted to remember seeing Jesus pray in the moonlight, and finally how He stopped the bleeding from the guard's severed ear. But now the soldiers have taken Him, and in his heart John is afraid. He is a weak man, and he fears for Jesus.
Joseph, fearful and overwhelmed, struggles to get Mary to Bethlehem safely. There, his faith is renewed. He says, "I didn't know why His real Father chose for Him to be born in such a humble manner, but I knew it was my responsibility to take care of Him. At that moment, I knew that I would be able to do the job. It would be difficult, but I would never be doing it alone."
Barabas is in a dungeon waiting to be taken off any moment to die on the cross. But not with Jesus, for Jesus was crucified many years ago. Since then Barabas has come to know Him through the teachings of His disciples and now realizes that He died that day that others might be saved. Now, Barabas says, the burden is a much lighter one, for "I now know your Master not only died for you, but for me also. And now I go to my death as Barabbas, The Acquitted."