Children's Theatre

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  Good Enough For Christmas?

Christmas Youth by Debbie Entsminger Debbie Entsminger

28 pages

Large flexible cast, doubling possible.

It's Christmas and everyone is happy. Everyone, that is, except Travis, who tried to play a little joke on the Pastor's wife and now only has sticks and stones to look forward to. His grief is intensified by Felicity whose perfect record this past year has earned her all that she wants for Christmas - and she wants 364 gifts, one for each day of her goodness. After Felicity blows her contract and loses everything, they both learn that there is still one gift they can receive for that no one can ever be good enough to earn (Isaiah 64:6), but yo...

  Heavenly Christmas

Christmas Youth by Nancy Oswald

12 pages

10 speaking parts, angel choir, optional extras.

Here is a beautiful pageant for children with easy-to-learn lines and simple staging and costuming. It's Christmas Day in the year 2050 and the spaceship crew wants to celebrate the holiday - all except for the captain. He says Christmas is just for children. When they come upon three lost angel children there's nothing to do but follow their map to return them to heaven. Once there the crew sings carols and exchanges gifts with all the angels. The captain, however, cannot see anything because he doesn't believe - until he receives the gift of love. About 20 ...

  Holiday Delights

Clowns Puppets by

40 pages

Script: 40 pages.

Here are four holiday puppet plays, two for Christmas and two for Easter, that are sure to delight young audiences. "Barnyard Christmas" has more cow jokes than you've ever "herd," but these cows bring a "mooving" message of selfless giving. "Who Will Go" takes laughter to new heights as these loveable angels try to help fix the problems of the world. Easter skits include "The Bad News Bullies" and "Hannah."

  Innocent In Eden

Anytime Youth by Thomas J Gardiner

33 pages

6 m, 3 w, 5 flexible

In the Prologue, Light, Night, Sky, Sea and Earth tell how and why God created them, and why He went on to create Adam to rule over all the other creatures on the Earth. In the Garden of Eden, Adam decides to name all the animals he meets. A pair of Elephants teach him some manners, describe how versatile their long noses are compared with his, and leave him to ponder his limitations. A pair of Monkeys play word games with him to arrive at their name, which Adam finally decides must be "Montgomery." Satan as the Snake appears and privately reveals to the audience his rebellious origin a...

  The Little Angel Who Was Always Late

Christmas Youth by Leola Baker

9 pages

7 main characters.

Annie is the saddest-looking angel in Heaven! With a broken wing, a crooked halo, untidy hair, and always a pile of mending to do, she is just too busy to even get to choir rehearsal on time. The angels all know something very, very important is about to happen. When the Heavenly Father chooses Annie to stand guard over his newborn son, all the other angels work hard to get her ready, and most of all, make sure she will be on time. Performance time: 20 minutes.

  Lullaby at the Stable

Christmas Youth by Verlynn Kneifl and Laurie Larsen

12 pages

Large flexible cast

Preschoolers and children in lower grades will enjoy performing in this gentle and delightful Christmas pageant. Like many mothers of new babies, Mary is having a difficult time getting Baby Jesus to sleep. The wise men, shepherds, angels, lions, sheep, and mice sing their best lullabies, but all in vain. At last, one small, timid, striped kitten sings the Holy Child to sleep. Older children can handle the few speaking roles while any number of younger performers can participate as the animals. Easy costuming and staging and all the songs are traditional, wel...

  The Menagerie of St. Francis

Christmas Youth by Thomas J Gardiner

29 pages

20 characters. (2 m, 1 w plus other parts which can be played by males or females.)

Friar Francis and Friar Juniper decide to re-enact the First Nativity for the people of their town at Christmas. They ask the nearby animals if their ancestors were at the First Nativity and could tell them what it was like. They encounter an amusing variety of creatures, reflecting a range of human follies. But the animals they encounter are all too busy with themselves to give Friar Francis what he wants. In despair, Friar Francis lies down for a nap. As he sleeps it is disclosed that Friar Juniper and all the animals have secretly been rehearsing for weeks...

  Christmas Treasures

Resource Youth by Dolores Steger

41 pages

Flexible cast

This collection will delight all church children's leaders. The 22 recitations and choral readings are perfect for preschoolers and elementary school children. Older youngsters will enjoy performing the three plays: "Christmas Gifts From Jesus," "Channel J-O-Y," and "The Fourth King." Because of the flexibility of this book, any number of children can be involved. It's great for any size church - a must for this Christmas.

  God's Greatest Hits

Anytime Youth by

25 pages

Flexible youth cast.

All the joy of life bubbles out in this delightful play which combines favorite Bible stories with beloved hymns and spirituals. The church is putting on a show but unfortunately the "featured celebrity" can't make it because there are just too many prayers to attend to. So everyone takes turns reading God's lines. Stories include Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Tower of Babel and 5 others. Humor shines throughout from the serpent telling Eve that eating the apple will stop ring around the collar, to the lions saying they'd rather have a pizza than Daniel for supper. Easy to ...

  History Of The World

Anytime Youth by

14 pages

12 speaking parts,

Here's an unconventional and entertaining program for children to perform! In Scene 1, "The Garden of Eden," a narrator tells how God became lonely and so created the earth and man to walk upon it. But in Scene 2, "Noah's Ark," sin became too great and the floods came. Later, in Scene 3, "God's Gift," there were a lot more people and some of them pretty mean, like Herod. That's when God decided the earth needed a gift and sent Jesus. From then on, everyone knew for sure that God really loves us all. Easy-to-learn lines for youngsters and easy scenery which can be moved by the rainbow ...

  Lure, The

Comedy by Patrick Rainville Dorn

41 pages

2 m, 6 w, 4 flexible, plus extras

Three teenagers are lured into malevolent Professor Carny Barker's Once-in-a-Lifetime Traveling Career Fair, where they are tempted with futures of glamour, riches and power by warped and wicked counterfeit pretenders from the medical, legal, business and military branches of Golden Calf Industries. With the oddball assistance of janitor Holly Coast, the teens avoid being trapped in a futureless fate worse than death. This modern morality play is loaded with slapstick comedy, wry satire and a flexible cast of bizarre characters, and is very easy and economical to produce.

  Mr. Wiggins' Toy Shoppe

Christmas Youth by Kathy Montgomery

17 pages

1 man, 7 boys, 5 women, 1 girl, 6 flexible.

Here is a lighthearted play about a group of toys in a Christmas window display. One night after hours they come across some rather unusual visitors. As Raggedy Ann and Andy, Barbie, Cat in the Hat, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Winnie the Pooh and Queen Amadala watch the visitors in quiet wonder. When GI Joe spies shepherds and wise men approaching he shouts, "They are bringing in more troops!" Along with the toys, a little girl, with the help of the wise old shop owner, Mr. Wiggins, discovers that Christmas is about giving, not just receiving. A captivating ...

  New Kid In The Flock

Anytime Youth by Tambra Kay Petrie

47 pages

3 m, 2 w, 5 teen girls, 9 teen boys, extras.

A comedy about the hardships teenager, Matt Duncan, goes through when his family moves from California to a small mid-western town. Matt is forced to make new friends and important choices that could affect the rest of his life. The Duncans' new neighbors lead them to Christ and invite them to their church. Unfortunately, the church youth are not very receptive to Matt and even think he is packing a gun in his over-sized pants! Fortunately, the church leaders are able to help, and as Matt accepts Christ, the church kids also start anew. Lots of laughs in this play which effectively captu...

  Night That Started It All

Christmas Youth by Tambra Kay Petrie

45 pages

5 m, 5 w, 1 flexible, 2 boys, 1 girl, extras, choir

Imagine the Christmas story written, directed and performed by teenagers! Follow the antics of CJ, the author of this wild and crazy nativity scene, along with Amos and Jordy, two idiotic stagehands, as they try to retell the story of the nativity from a "teenager's point of view." After watching a rehearsal and weathering an emotional explosion from a stuffy lady of the congregation, the Pastor reminds CJ and the rest of the teens that, although it is okay to have fun in the Christmas program, there is still a holiness about the entire event that should neve...

  Prince Eugene and the Cinder Queen

Fairy Tale by Mickey Wright

44 pages

3 males, 7 females, 1 flexible, extras

Here’s the Cinderella story retold, with a little help from above! Overworked and derided by her stepmother and three stepsisters, kindhearted Cinderella can only dream of attending a ball at the castle. Suddenly her Angel Godmother appears, but she almost blows the whole fairy tale before the Godfather rushes to the rescue on his Zucchini 500. (There’s a shortage of pumpkins!) Prince Eugene dreams of finding an honest girl, but his eccentric fans make a nightmare of his party. His only hope is the sweet young woman who isn’t afraid to state her own thoughts....