Caiaphas: The Punishment

Play #: 7713
Pages: 3 pgs
Cast: By Roy Wiegand.
Caiaphas, the regal high priest of the temple, is ready to have this madman named Jesus arrested. He has just made a deal with a grimy little man claiming to be a disciple who, for 30 pieces of silver, will identify Jesus with a kiss. Caiaphas plans for the arrest to take place before dawn in adherence with the law which forbids the taking of prisoners during the daylight hours of Passover. Caiaphas says, "He must be found, he must be arrested, he must be sentenced, and he must be put to death."
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RCCG LIVINGSPRING 6 Performance(s)
RIDLEY PARK, PA 4/17/2022
HOUSE OF PRAYER 1 Performance(s)
THEATRE GROUP 1 Performance(s)
GALLATIN, TN 12/16/2018

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