"First performed by the Stage Right Drama Team at the William Glesby Centre in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada, March 21 and 22, 2008. Both nights played to a sold-out audience of 450, many of whom would not darken the doors of a church."
Guest |10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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Once More With Passion
"I brought 21 junior high kids who sat through it without making a peep. In our discussion later, they all agreed what they liked best was how the play didn't give pat answers or wrap everything up in a nice, tidy, Christian package." -- P. R., Youth Pastor
Guest |10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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Once More With Passion
"...thank you so much for writing that play, it made such an impact on us. I was happy that three of my kids were willing to go...my stepson does not attend church anymore and is continuing to battle a drug addiction. For most of the play, he sat on the edge of his seat and was so engrossed in the story. When it was over, he stated what we were all feeling: `that is by far the best Easter production I have ever seen!' Thank you again for sharing your incredible talents and touching our family." -- K.H.
Guest |10/30/2018 12:22 PM
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Relevant, Relatable and for the Unreachable
We loved this script because it dealt with modern day issues that many families are dealing with while sharing the gospel in a new, clever and witty way. We wanted people to come see our show who may not be comfortable in a church or who may not be saved. Not only did it touch our audience members, but our cast members as well. There were many laughs and tears. We did this show at Easter, so we made the Passion Play elaborate with music,fog, lighting, a crucifixion, wrapping Jesus and placing Him in the tomb. The author suggests certain songs and that the tracks just be played. We used some of the songs she suggested and also did some more current selections. We had 3 strong singers perform the songs live and we had many, many compliments about the music. Although, parts of the story were sad, it ended on a happy note. We wanted the audience to leave with a feeling of hope and they did. The two lead roles have a lot of lines but we were fortunate to cast actors who had no problems with that. Two of our actors had never been in a show before and they gave great performances because the characters are written like everyday, real people. We searched for months for just the right script and we are very happy we chose "Once More with Passion".
Star Theatre Productions LLC - Smithsburg, MD |4/16/2023 4:36 PM