Products tagged with 'i-Monologue'

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  One Wise Man's Journey

Christmas i-Monologue by

2 pages

By Robert Blaskey

A Wise Man has seemingly always been on a journey, searching for a goal that would give his life deeper meaning. He finds the star and follows it where, in a lowly stable, he finds the Babe . more than a child, a king. The Wise Man's journey is now at an end, for once you find God, all your searching is over.

  Peter: Even Denial Can Be ...

Easter i-Monologue by

2 pages

By Robert Blaskey.

Peter-his name means "rock," yet when Jesus needed him most, he let Him down. He denied Him, eventually three times. Peter yearns for forgiveness. But wait-that look in Jesus' eyes. It's not condemnation. It's pity, yes, but moreover, it's love. Peter realizes Jesus will always forgive us.

  Peter: Three Denials

Easter i-Monologue by

3 pages

By Roy Wiegand.

The disciple Peter describes how he failed Jesus the last night, how he fell asleep when Jesus asked him to stay awake and ultimately, denied knowing Jesus three separate times. Peter says, "As I passed through that gate ... a cock crowed. It was at that instant that I realized how badly I had failed Him." Would Jesus forgive him and still have faith in him? Can Peter find peace?

  Pilate: Forced To Decide

Easter i-Monologue by

2 pages

by Robert Blaskey.

Pilate is being forced to decide the fate of this man called Jesus. Pilate can find no legal basis to sentence Him to death, and even Pilate's wife urges him to let this "just man" go. Yet, Jesus won't defend himself, and the high priest Caiaphas insists Pilate sentence Jesus to death, or Caiaphas will report Pilate to Rome. It's all political, but there's so much at stake.

  The Mommy Club

i-Monologue Mother's Day by

3 pages

1 w

A mother recalls a recent dinner at a restaurant with her husband where their three children were amazingly well behaved, but a woman at a neighboring table wasn't so lucky with her little one. Rather than feel superior, she and her husband empathize and offer encouragement. She wants men and women alike to be members of the special Mommy Club, to support each other through the treacherous - and sometimes embarrassing! -times of parenthood.

  There Is No Place-Away From

i-Monologue Mother's Day by

3 pages

1 w

A mother craves just a moment of peace from the needs of her children. Forget Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz" saying there's no place like home. Once in a while it's great to get away from home. Still, the mom knows what would happen if she were away-she'd just be thinking about the kids!