Products tagged with 'Easter'

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  In the Upper Room

Adult Easter by David Dunlap

43 pages

3 m, 3 w, 1 flexible part.

Mary, a wealthy widow, is unsure if Jesus is the Messiah until she lets the upper room in her home be used by his disciples for what becomes the Last Supper. Events get out of control after the meal, especially when Mary's teenage son, Mark, follows Jesus to the Garden of Gethsemane. But her faith becomes absolute later when her friend Joanna announces Jesus has risen. A powerful story, which reaffirms the message that through Christ's death and resurrection, we are cleansed of our sins. Performance time: 40 minutes.

  Lily and the Rue

Adult Easter by Judith Clough

39 pages

4 m, 7 w.

The confusion, tension, and gradual strengthening of faith and love between Mary, Martha, and other followers just before Jesus' crucifixion is brought to light in this deeply moving play. Mary, the gentle dreamer who can foresee future events, is like the lily, beautiful and serene, filling us with awe at God's power. She is just the opposite of Martha, the strong one, like a rue, pungent, flavoring food and medicine, supporting and enhancing life around her. How Jesus gently and surely changes their lives as well as the lives of Hannah, Rachel, Judith, Rebe...

  Who is This Man?

Adult Easter by David Dunlap

34 pages

4 m, 5 w.

Taking place in the days just prior to and after Jesus' crucifixion, this play focuses on one typical family's very mixed reactions to the earthshaking events of their lifetime. As they hear the stories about this Nazarene who might be the Messiah, each wonders, who is this man? The father wants the "trouble-maker" out of the way while the loving wife wants to believe in Jesus, but feels strong loyalty to her husband. The son is the most torn of all. Light humor is added through two other characters. An insightful, inspiring drama. Performance time: 40 minute...

  Anticipating the Promise

Easter by Kevin P. Kern

20 pages

4 readers and an ensemble of players

Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus with this Easter vigil play. A cast of four readers brings the Bible to life, and into our modern lives. A troupe of players move among the readers, illuminating the text with movement and pantomime. Six individual Bible stories are dramatically portrayed, including Creation, Abraham and Isaac, Noah and the Flood, Crossing the Red Sea, The Promise of an Abundant Life, and The Three Men in the Fiery Furnace. Anticipating the Promise reminds us that these ancient stories still matter to a modern audience. Run time 15 minutes....

  Arc of Darkness

Adult Easter by Audra Call Moss

68 pages

9-10 m, 3 w, extras.

This powerful “what might have happened” drama takes place in the palace and garden of Pontius Pilate during the last weeks in the life of Christ. Pilate appoints Claudia to spy on the activities of the magician Joshua ben Jusef (Jesus) in order to determine the danger of rioting. While Jesus never appears in the play, He evokes changes in the characters: the guilt-ridden Claudia finds the ability to forgive and the meaning of charity Pilate moves from indifference to questioning and Yarma, the maid, from haughtiness to humility Caiphas, the High Priest, from...

  Ashes for Remembrance

Adult Easter by Carl Kelly

23 pages

7 actors

Seven short Easter season monologues. Seven biblical persons speak to us from their various perspectives in language that sounds honest and real. Job tells us why he sits and daubs ashes on his forehead every year. It is such a strange thing to do! A Samaritan woman, Peter, Thomas, Martha, and a Christian centurion, all relate some of their experience of Jesus and how they have reacted. Finally, Mary, the mother of Jesus, asks what only a mother can ask, "Oh, my very precious child, what have they done to you?" You'll find these monologues thought provoking a...