You’ll find something for children of all ages in this resource book of recitations, choral readings and three short plays. The recitations cover the Easter experience, from Jesus’ entry in Jerusalem to the resurrection, and beyond. With simple themes and words for the very young, and more advanced concepts and vocabulary for older boys and girls, these verses will allow your entire Sunday school to participate in your Easter program. Your older pre-teens will enjoy these three short Easter-themed plays which require minimal adult direction. The pre-teens can do it all - design simple sets, costumes, props and act. As they work and perform together, your young people will get the message of Jesus as living Savior, then convey it to their audiences whether they're standing on a "street corner" as in "There's Room for You, Too" (9 speaking parts with extras) or coloring eggs in "Monograms of Christ" (6 parts plus extras) or making gifts in "Color It Caring," (8 parts). Optional suggested songs from hymnals can enhance your production. If you’ve been searching for materials to delight and enlighten young performers and their audiences, you’ll find them here.