Hope Bunch

I have lived in rural Westmoreland County, Virginia all of my life. My husband and I are retired and we have two grown children and five grandchildren.  One of my fondest memories from childhood was when I was able to be part of the Christmas play at our tiny church in Baynesville, VA. I don't remember the plot or even the title of the play but I do remember that the father in the play was played by my dad and he also appeared as Santa Claus. I think this is when I fell in love with Christmas plays. When I was a kid, my cousin and I would write short skits and perform them for our family. I joined a community theatre group in the late 1980's where I had a few on-stage roles and also worked back stage. My favorite on-stage role was that of Sister Hubert, a singing, tap-dancing nun in the musical, Nunsense. That was quite a challenge to my alto voice and my slow moving feet. I've had the privilege of directing Christmas plays at our church for the last 18 years. My best friend, Donna, and I have worked backstage every year. We started out small but our group has grown to about twenty-five members. We have produced full length Christmas plays every year since 2005 and we have a very talented and dedicated group. My favorite playwrights are Andrew Frodahl, Pat Cook and Cheryl Harrison.

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  Help! I’m Stuck in a Church Christmas Play! New Release

Christmas Comedy by Andrew M Frodahl Hope Bunch

64 pages

5 m, 5 w, 3 flexible

Karen Silver was one of the most sought-after actresses on Broadway. Her star was rising even as she was labeled a self-entitled, demanding, and difficult actress. But something dreadful happens at the opening of her new Broadway play. The director fires Karen on the spot, telling her, "You’ll never work in this town again!”  That's when Karen has a chance encounter with a mysterious man who offers her an opportunity to regain her dignity. She only needs to take a role in a church Christmas play in Virginia.  Despite her adamant refusal, Karen Silver miraculo...

  Undercover Christmas

Christmas by Hope Bunch

68 pages

8 m, 7 w, 2 flexible

Doc Nash had a successful medical career, but five years ago, after losing his wife, he decided to return to his country home in Baynesville, VA. There, he established a medical clinic where residents of his childhood hometown could receive free medical care.  Even with only one Johnny-on-the-spot nurse and a bumbling receptionist, this clinic has become a vital part of this rural community. Since its inception, the clinic has been supported with funds from the local government and private donations. However, with recent cuts in funding and a dip in the econo...

  Undercover Christmas: Arson or Accident

Christmas Christmas Comedy by Hope Bunch

52 pages

9 m, 6 w

Just one year ago, Doc Nash’s Free Health Clinic was facing closure. With a visit from the Undercover Boss, Lou Grant from the Matthew Chapter 25 Foundation approved a grant, thus saving the Clinic. But town councilwoman Beatrice Chandler now wants the Free Clinic closed. Her son will be opening a new medical practice and she doesn’t want any competition. She pays a visit to Doc, hoping to buy him out. When Doc refuses, Mrs. Chandler storms away in anger as she is accustomed to getting what she wants. Then, the unthinkable happens – a fire! It destroys much o...