David Dunlap

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  On a Street in Jerusalem

Adult Easter by David Dunlap

46 pages

6 men, 5 women, 1 teen, 3 children, extras

Judith, a middle-aged widow, makes her livelihood by selling funeral spices and shrouds in front of her home just blocks from the temple. She is an unfriendly and unlikeable woman who mysteriously rejects Jesus and his teachings. Although her visiting cousin, Simon, and her neighbor and friend, Leah, both accept Jesus, Judith does not. Even after she witnesses Jesus heal a blind man and later sees Him struggle past her house carrying the cross, Judith rejects Him. It's not until Jesus confronts her after His resurrection and reveals her deepest hurts does she...

  His Only Son

Adult Christmas by David Dunlap

40 pages

2 m, 4 w.

Richard Franklin is a bitter man who can't stop blaming his son, William, for an accident which killed an older Franklin son one Christmas some 20 years ago. The tragedy has soured their father-son relationship although Richard, an important church member, and William, who is indifferent to religion, have learned to live with it. A crisis this Christmas, however, makes both men face up to the true meaning of what giving - and forgiving - really mean. Additional roles include Betty, the wife, who knows God is the source of all strength; the Franklin daughters;...

  Christmas Vacation

Adult Christmas by David Dunlap

29 pages

9 flexible parts, approx. 3 m, 5 w, 1 child.

Linda is worried because her recently widowed mother, Susan, is adamant about staying in her Florida condominium rather than coming up north to celebrate the holiday. Linda decides she and her husband and children better see what's wrong, even if it means they won't be celebrating Christmas the "right way" with all the familiar traditions. And non-traditional it is! Instead of warm fires and sled rides the kids are sunbathing and riding jet skis. But when Linda objects because her mother may miss Christmas Eve services, she finds the real and generous reason ...

  Christmas on a High Note

Adult Christmas by David Dunlap

30 pages

2 m, 5 w, 3 children.

Grandma likes to follow tradition at Christmas and that means having the whole family over at her house for presents, turkey, and carols around her organ. So when unexpected visitors become stranded at her home and the organ won't play a note, Grandma thinks the holiday is ruined. But the Christ Child brought the first Christmas to all of us, and on this night, three other young children bring it back to Grandma's. Performance time: 30 minutes.

  Dreams Come True at Christmas

Adult Christmas by David Dunlap

27 pages

4 m, 4 w, 1 child.

This is not a happy Christmas Eve in the Stewart home. While young Cory prepares, unwillingly, to be an angel in the church pageant, the oldest son, J. J., who has just returned from several months in juvenile hall for burglary, struggles to regain the trust of his mother, Maureen, and very angry father, Joe. But when he is accused of shoplifting at the mall, Joe is so angry, he won't even attend church with them to see Cory's performance. A juvenile hall chaplain tells him that sometimes you have to work on faith - that maybe an angel in a dream will convinc...

  In the Upper Room

Adult Easter by David Dunlap

43 pages

3 m, 3 w, 1 flexible part.

Mary, a wealthy widow, is unsure if Jesus is the Messiah until she lets the upper room in her home be used by his disciples for what becomes the Last Supper. Events get out of control after the meal, especially when Mary's teenage son, Mark, follows Jesus to the Garden of Gethsemane. But her faith becomes absolute later when her friend Joanna announces Jesus has risen. A powerful story, which reaffirms the message that through Christ's death and resurrection, we are cleansed of our sins. Performance time: 40 minutes.