Products tagged with 'Adult'

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  Bucky Breckenheimer's Christmas Miracle

Adult Christmas by Kenny Blade

40 pages

18 flexible characters

The Breckenheimers are a loving Christian family celebrating Christmas with a unique hillbilly flair all their own. As our story begins, we flashback to the day Poppa delivered some very exciting news to Mama, his parents and his children Bucky, Queazy, Myra Jean and Lindy. He has just been promoted to the Assistant to the Junior Assistant Manager at the pickled egg plant owned by Garver Goobler. Poppa will even get to help Goobler with a "special" project Christmas morning. But the family's happiness is tempered by Mama's uneasiness with the motives of Goobl...

  All I Need for Christmas

Adult Christmas by Annette Tringham

26 pages

1 m, 3 w, 1 flexible, 1 boy, extras

Goldie, Frank, and Myrna, three counselors at an emotional helpline, have devised a way to have Christmas Eve off this year. They have engaged Thomas Wellmore, a charming but self-centered Wall Street type, to man the phones. He willingly embraces the opportunity to “balance his karma” and “do something real at Christmas for those less fortunate.” As the evening wears on and no one calls, he becomes increasingly irritated and his true character is revealed. Then, at the stroke of midnight, a cleaning woman enters with her young son, Christopher. Though the ey...

  On a Street in Jerusalem

Adult Easter by David Dunlap

46 pages

6 men, 5 women, 1 teen, 3 children, extras

Judith, a middle-aged widow, makes her livelihood by selling funeral spices and shrouds in front of her home just blocks from the temple. She is an unfriendly and unlikeable woman who mysteriously rejects Jesus and his teachings. Although her visiting cousin, Simon, and her neighbor and friend, Leah, both accept Jesus, Judith does not. Even after she witnesses Jesus heal a blind man and later sees Him struggle past her house carrying the cross, Judith rejects Him. It's not until Jesus confronts her after His resurrection and reveals her deepest hurts does she...

  Hey! That's My Donkey

Adult Easter by Christy Long

32 pages

15 m, 6 w, 1 child, 2 flex, extras. Much doubling possible.

Issachar cares about only one thing, money. So when Rachel, his wife, generously loans their donkey to Jesus' disciples for the Master's use, Issachar is furious and determined to get his donkey back. Several encounters with Jesus and a week of searching for his animal find him still "donkey-less" and seemingly still heartless. In a final attempt to get his donkey back, he unknowingly enters into a plot with Judas and the Pharisees to kill Jesus. Despondent over what he has done, Issachar hurries off to Golgotha to try to explain things to Jesus before He die...

  Victorian Christmas

Adult Christmas by Bruce and Susie Kunkle, Ruth Nagy

74 pages

5 m, 6 w, 6 boys, 4 girls, extras

It's the 1800s and Emily Ainsley, an idealistic young lady, is trying to provide a home to young orphans. She rents space from a greedy businessman, Aloysius Penningham, but gets behind in the payments. He proposes marriage to her (so that he can manage her inheritance which she receives after marrying) or threatens eviction if she refuses. While other well-meaning folk attempt to help Emily, Penningham is visited by Harrold, an angel in the guise of a gentleman. A ragtag band of pickpockets creates havoc and humor as Penningham must confront the consequences...

  Ebby Neezer Needs Christmas

Adult Christmas by Pat Hines

27 pages

5 m, 8 w, 1 flexible, 1 boy, 1 girl, extras, doubling possible.

Ebby Neezer hates Christmas so much, she leaves her estate every year on the 24th of December and goes to Bermuda. Her staff and great niece, however, love Christmas and have prayed for years for Ebby. It is their hope that one day she will return to God and celebrate Christmas with them. This year their prayers are answered. On the way to the airport, Ebby's limo breaks down and her chauffeur urges her to wait in a nearby diner while he makes repairs. There, a waitress named Marley brings her some coffee, which is only the beginning of an unusual evening. Th...