20 pages
3 m, 3 w.
What do you say when you see an angel? How do you say thank you when the child you've longed for is finally born? How do you let go of your daughter to her new husband and expected child? What are your first words to the tiny, newborn Son of God? Through Christ's birth, God entered and shared our humanity. In this monologue collection, Elizabeth, Zacharias, Mary, Mary's mother, Joseph and a shepherd tell their stories. They are stories of worship and stories of wonder at a God who would want to be such an intimate part of our lives. Each monologue tells its o...
34 pages
4 m, 5 w.
Taking place in the days just prior to and after Jesus' crucifixion, this play focuses on one typical family's very mixed reactions to the earthshaking events of their lifetime. As they hear the stories about this Nazarene who might be the Messiah, each wonders, who is this man? The father wants the "trouble-maker" out of the way while the loving wife wants to believe in Jesus, but feels strong loyalty to her husband. The son is the most torn of all. Light humor is added through two other characters. An insightful, inspiring drama. Performance time: 40 minute...
24 pages
4 m, 2 w, 1 child, voice.
An incarcerated Barabbas is being attacked on three different sides: a Roman soldier set on avenging his brother's death, a crazy man he has to share a cell with, and his own memories of a life full of anger and doubt that has plagued him for as long as he can remember. If the soldier doesn't kill him, he is painfully aware of his own impending crucifixion just a few days away. In the middle of all this turmoil, a voice of reason and hope presents itself in the form of a cranky old cleaning woman. She reaches out to Barabbas, but unfortunately, her mission of...
25 pages
4 m, 4 w, extras.
It is a very much depressed Wallis family on Christmas eve that meets to discuss their problems. They hardly have enough money for wood for the fire, Emma may lose her job, Carol's boyfriend is hurt and may die, and brother Joe is in prison. They are all waiting for Judge Davis to bring over a tin box their grandfather left them which, according to his will, cannot be opened until tonight. They hope it is filled with money. As they wait, a stranger enters seeking warmth and they receive him as a friend. When the box is opened and found empty, they discover th...
8 pages
1 m, 2 flexible parts.
Hiriam, the innkeeper from Bethlehem, interrupts the modern day speaker's sermon. Hiriam has been desperately seeking the couple he turned away some 2,000 years ago to now make amends to them. The modern day speaker and assistant are amazed then outraged at his story. But their piousness fades as they see how Hiriam is truly seeking the Christ child. They tell what happened to that newborn Babe and explain that He is still alive and the only way to keep Him is to share Him. Then they do so by shaking hands with everyone. This program will make even visitors a...
43 pages
2 m, 3 w, 1 teenage girl, 1 boy, extras.
Hollister Day wants to spend the day before Christmas at home with his beloved wife, Mamie, but she insists they help their friend, Octavia, who is weak and bitter from surgery. And help they do - first with Octavia's divorcing daughter and son-in-law, and then with a teenage neighbor who is facing an unplanned pregnancy alone. Holly asks a battered angel doll to help. Through prayer, peace and goodwill is spread and somehow, the battered angel is beautiful again. A unique nativity scene, with children portraying the shepherds spreading the good news of Jesus...