Products tagged with 'Adult'

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  Anything can Happen on Christmas

Adult Christmas by Alberta Hawse

41 pages

2 m, 4 w, 1 boy, 1 girl.

Erika, an 18-year-old adopted daughter, has developed a rather touchy and secretive attitude during the past few weeks. When she admits that she is working with her teacher, Rachel Duvall, to locate her natural parents, the world explodes for Mom and Dad, young R.B. and Grandma. And when Miss Duvall calls the day before Christmas to tell Erika that she is ready to introduce her to her natural mother, Christmas really falls apart. Through prayer, family love and faith, we learn that nothing can really ruin Christmas for those who have been "adopted" into the f...

  Holly Day's Inn

Adult Christmas by Alberta Hawse

41 pages

4 m, 5 w, 1 boy, 2 girls, extras.

Hollister Day is not sure why on Christmas Eve he is keeping open his hamburger stand, Holly Day's Inn. So many of the customers are unhappy including a young, troubled minister and his wife two girls, whose parents have seriously quarreled and a battling newlywed couple. But God works in mysterious ways with those who come into the inn and they find their answers. Performance time: About 60 minutes. 

  Good Will Two Men

Adult Christmas by Brian Shoop

48 pages

3 m, 2 w, 4 boys, 2 girls, 4 boys or girls, extras possible.

Lifelong friends Will and Glenn have a long history of producing the Christmas pageant together at their church. Following the hiring of a young pastor with new ideas (including a Santa-themed Christmas pageant), Will and Glenn found themselves on opposite sides of the debate, and the rift has cut off all communication between them for two years running. Now Will no longer attends church and calls his friend a backstabber. Glenn’s daughter Roberta is determined to bring the two lost friends back to each other. She takes on directing the children's Christmas p...

  Love Store

Adult Christmas by Steven Orth

28 pages

1 m, 4 w, 1 flexible, 1 boy, 1 girl

If you’ve ever thought that Christmas has become too commercialized (and who among us hasn’t felt that as we pulled out the credit card yet again) this is the play for you. Several customers wander in to a rather bare, nondescript store during the Christmas shopping season. All of them, younger children, teenagers, and twenty-somethings, are looking for the same thing, but for different reasons. Some aren't even sure what they want: they just know that they are missing something. Naomi, the elderly widow working behind the counter, answers their questions kin...

  Merry Christmas No Matter What!

Adult Christmas by Kathleen Conner Combass

56 pages

3 m, 7 w, 5 teenage girls, 2 teenage boys.

Jacob and Marie Carlson have been married for 17 years, and all that time, Jacob's father, Melvin, and Marie's mother, Antoinette, have hated each other. Disastrous holidays have been avoided by alternating their parents' invitations to special occasions. But this Christmas, Antoinette changes her mind and surprises the family by arriving after Melvin has already settled in! Their little jabs at each other soon escalate when Antoinette hides Melvin's false teeth and he retaliates by hiding her wig. The tension and hilarity rise even more when the extra outdoo...

  A Respectable Birth

Adult Christmas by Kevin Stone

31 pages

3 m, 3 w, 5 flexible

Here is the story of two births which happen on the same night in Bethlehem but turn out to be worlds apart. Simon, a well-to-do man, awaits the birth of his baby, hopefully a son. He has sent his servants on a frantic, last-minute search for a cradle “fit for a king,” but they can only find a manger from a nearby stable. Simon instructs them to return it and find a “real” cradle. The night is interrupted by Joseph and Mary, seeking a place to stay. Preoccupied, Simon callously turns them away. Soon several of his shepherds arrive exhilarated, bearing news of...