A young father holds his infant son, contemplating the son's future...and the father's influence on that future. A short, one-act play that takes both father and son on a journey into the future. A future full of innocence, shared victories, growing disobedience and emotional distance, crisis, reconciliation and ultimate hope. Humorous yet truthful, this is a perfect selection for your Father's Day event. It explores the unique relationship between a father and son, and how the future, so easily affected by the past, can be changed through faith and trust.
Here are two skits and a monologue that will enhance your Father's Day program. In "The Worth of a Father" Peter Saint from station W-O-R-D will humor you, as well as make you ponder what the role of a father is from God's eyes. "Father's Love" is a heartwarming monologue about a young soldier who shows the love of Christ to his sergeant. In "The Dueling Dads," Kenny B. Mediocre and Arthur Christians debate the importance of a father and his priorities. These skits can be used individually or all together with a program built around them. A must for your next Father's Day service.