First Christmas Chaos

Book By: Craig Howard
Play #: 1665
Pages: 43 pgs
Cast: 5 m, 5 w, 2 flexible

We all know the Christmas story as written in Luke, Chapter 2.  We know the prophesies leading up to the birth of the Messiah, but what must it have been like for Mary’s family and friends? For Joseph especially? This play is written in modern English, not Bible-speak. It tells a fictitious story based on biblical truth of what it might have been like for the people closest to Mary. Their pain, anger, wonder and joy. It does not include Mary, except for a short non-speaking nativity scene. Rather, it focuses on life for those faced with this chaotic situation and the struggles of the time brought on by Rome and tradition. Your audience will find laughter, drama, joy and maybe even a tear as you experience the First Christmas Chaos.

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Behind The Scenes

With Rev. Craig Howard


What inspired you to write this play?

I have thought for a long time what it must have been like for Joseph and Mary's family when Mary was found to be expecting God's son. The angel didn't tell anyone else what had happened and given the culture of the day it had to throw everyone connected to her into chaos. 

I preached a series of sermons in 2019 on the characters of Christmas looking at each life the best I could but the Bible says nothing about Mary's parents. This allowed me to speculate on what it must have been like for them. It was a lot of fun and our church loved it. 


What's your favorite part or line in the play?  Why?

My favorite part was at the end when Mary's father realized that Mary had been telling the truth. As a dad, we want to trust our kids but sometimes that trust gets pushed to the limit. 


What did you try to achieve with this play?

What I tried to accomplish was for people to realize that sometimes the things God asks us to do may be difficult and complicated but faithfulness starts with the word faith, trust Him.