Christian Director Notebook

Play #: 3014
Cast: 38 pages
We asked authors, composers, and directors like you to list everything required to produce a hassle-free play. The result was page after page of tips from people with backgrounds in school, church, and community theatre. Checklists and schedules keep you on track as you countdown to the performance. We produce the Director's Notebook in its own 3-ring binder with pockets since every expert stressed the need to keep track of all the receipts, schedules, phone numbers, and details. Plus we have added a handout, "Welcome to the World of Drama," to be used by everyone taking part. It provides such helpful information as drama terminology, history, and even how to have better rehearsals. Also included are two topics called the "Be-Attitudes" and the "Ten Commandments" of acting. Every director needs this resource!
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Production Script - $29.95 each
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3 Performance(s)
HAWICK, MN 4/15/2022